Erie Waters Flute Choir

Silver Hall Concert Series logo/banner with microphone
Event Date
Event Details/Summary
Erie Waters Flute Choir

When a group of professionals and amateur musicians performed new flute music by Cleveland composers at the Chicago Flute Festival in 2009, Erie Waters was born! Their unique sound comes from bringing together bass, alto, C flute, piccolo, and Native American flutes. Erie waters programs a variety of musical genres and styles, specializing in timbre and extended techniques of the 21st century.

Greater Cleveland Flute Society

Additional Information:

  • This FREE concert is part of the MPAC Silver Hall Concert Series.
  • PARKING: Parking is free for this, and all, Silver Hall Concert Series events
  • LIVESTREAM: This event will be livestreamed. For livestream, choose the livestream option at purchase and a link will be sent via email shortly before the event.