We hope you choose to join us for all the incredible events happening at the Maltz Performing Arts Center! Read below for more information about our policies. Email mpacinfo@case.edu if you have any other questions.
By Phone: Maltz Performing Arts Center Box Office (216.368.6062) is open Monday through Friday 9:30 am to 5:00 pm. Voicemail is monitored approximately 1 hour prior to each event. Please leave a message and we will return your call in a timely fashion.
By Email: Please email mpacinfo@case.edu if you need help outside of our normal hours.
In Person: Located in the Lerner Lobby at 1855 Ansel Road, the Maltz Performing Arts Center Box Office is open approximately one hour prior to all concerts and events.
Upcoming events can be viewed on our calendar of events and can be purchased online, or over the phone. Day of ticket sales are available for non sold out shows.
By Phone: Call (216.368.6062) Monday through Friday 9:30 am to 5:00 pm. Voicemail is monitored approximately 1 hour prior to each event. Please leave a message and we will return your call in a timely fashion.
By Email: Please email mpacinfo@case.edu if you need help outside of our normal hours.
In Person: Walk-up sales/tickets are available approximately one hour before each event in the Lerner Lobby located in the Maltz Performing Arts Center (1855 Ansel Road).
Tickets at the time of purchase can be designated as E-Ticket or Will Call.
E-Tickets can be printed by the patron or shown from their mobile phone.
Will Call tickets are printed by the Maltz Center and are available to pick up approximately 1 hour before the event. The Maltz Performing Arts Center does not mail any tickets or parking passes to guests.
All sales are final. No refunds will be given for any purchased tickets or parking passes.
The Maltz Performing Arts Center adheres to all state and federal guidelines for offering accessible seating to all performances. Accessible seating can be purchased online, by phone, or in person.
ADA guest drop-off is available via the Ansel Road and E. 105th Street intersection only. Please drop off your guest at the marked ADA entrance and continue north to the P-82 or P-81 Lot. An usher will be at that entrance to assist you with entering Silver Hall. Wheelchairs are available, if needed.
Balcony seating requires walking up many steps. If you have a difficult time with stairs, we recommend choosing a seat in the floor or orchestra sections.
Lost tickets can be replaced by calling the box office (216.368.6062), sending an email to mpacinfo@case.edu, or visiting will call 1 hour prior to the event. Only the ticket purchaser may pick up the reprinted tickets. Once tickets are reprinted, all tickets printed prior will be voided.
All guests need a ticket to enter Silver Hall. We ask that children under the age of 16 be accompanied by an adult. We also ask that you use your discretion regarding what is appropriate for your child.
Yes! If you are in need of an assisted listening device, please speak with an associate at the box office, an usher, or the house manager and you will be provided with a device.
At this time, there are only stairs available to access the balcony.
Yes! At the conclusion of every show our ushers go through the entire hall for any forgotten items. If you believe you have lost an item at the Maltz Center please email mpacinfo@case.edu.
The Roe Green Theatre and Walter and Jean Kalberer Black Box Theatre are both located in what is commonly called Phase II. Please park in Lot-82, which is directly across from the front doors of Silver Hall, and follow the signs to enter the building using the Sally and Bob Gries West Entrance.
The Department of Theatre's box office is located to the right of that entrance and will be open approximately 1 hour prior to each performance to purchase tickets at the door or visit will call. Tickets can also be purchased in advance online or by phone at 216.368.6262.