We’re located at 1855 Ansel Road in Cleveland. If you’re using Google Maps, we recommend searching for “Maltz Performing Arts Center” instead of the physical address, as this will put you at our precise location.
Exit I-90 at Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive. Follow Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive south to E. 105th Street. Turn right onto E. 105th Street and make your way to Ansel Road/Park Lane. Turn sharp right in from of the Maltz Center and our parking lot is located to the left.
Stay on the highway until it connects with I-490. Take I-490 to the Opportunity Corridor. Then continue on the corridor until it eventually turns into E. 105th Street. Proceed down E. 105th Street, going over Chester Avenue, and then turn left in front of the Maltz Center onto Ansel Road. The parking lot is on the left.
Follow Mayfield Road to University Circle, going through Historic Little Italy. Turn left onto Euclid Avenue at the traffic light. Continue on Euclid until you have reached E. 105th Street. Turn right and proceed down E. 105th Street, going over Chester Avenue, and then turn left in front of the Maltz Center onto Ansel Road. The parking lot is on the left.
Click Here to Purchase Parking Passes
Parking passes can be pre-purchased by visiting our ticketing website. Purchase parking and your event tickets in one purchase!
Be sure to select the parking pass with the same date as your event.
Each Parking Pass is good for the day of performance, beginning approximately 1 hour before show time.
Click Here for the ADA Drop Off Location
Our accessible entrance is located past the main entrance to the Maltz Performing Arts Center.
Upon arrival at the Maltz Center, continue driving past the first parking lot. Look for blue signage located on the sidewalk alongside the building. The ADA entrance will be on the right.
To park your vehicle, continue out of the driveway and past the gates. Make a left turn onto E. 101st street. There is an entrance to the main parking lot off of E. 101st street.