We are grateful to Milton and Tamar Maltz for their visionary leadership and to all of our benefactors for their commitments to the Milton and Tamar Maltz Performing Arts Center.
- The Milton and Tamar Maltz Family Foundation
- Anonymous (3)
- Cleveland Foundation
- Gretchen N. Garnett*
- Thomas P. Gates
- Roe Green
- Sally and Bob Gries
- Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon B. Guren
- Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Kalberer
- Gerald and Jane Kesselman
- Mr. and Mrs. Charles John Koch
- Donna M. Kohl and Stewart A. Kohl
- Karen L. and Alan M. Krause
- The Krieger President's Endowment Fund
- The Lerner Foundation
- Toby Devan Lewis
- Thomas F. Peterson, Jr.*
- PNC Foundation
- Agnar* and Anah Pytte
- The Kelvin & Eleanor Smith Foundation
- Richard H. Wolcott*

- Anonymous (3)
- William F. Baker, Ph.D.
- Kenneth S. and Deborah G. Cohen
- Robert D. Conrad
- The Epstine, Levine, Gawry Family
- Madeline and Wesley Finch
- The Harry K. & Emma R. Fox Charitable Foundation
- Shelby and Frederick Gans Foundation
- William and Nancy Hachtel
- Steve and Sondra Hardis
- The William R. Hill Charitable Fund
- Karen L. and Alan M. Krause
- Kulas Foundation
- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Meisel*
- John P. Murphy Foundation
- David and Inez Myers Foundation
- Mr.* and Mrs. William H. Powell
- Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Ratner
- Great Neck and Elissa Richman from the Richman Family Foundation
- Brenda Buckhold Shank
- Milton A. and Roslyn Z. Wolf Family Foundation
- Anonymous (2)
- George N. and Roma C. Aronoff
- Joanne H. Blazek
- Wayne* and Charlotte Clevenger
- The George W. Codrington Charitable Foundation
- Barbara and Peter* Galvin
- James Cross Giblin
- Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Goodman
- Mina N. Kulber*
- Michael Lubin and Anne-Marie McDermott
- Victor Onufrieff and Laurel Andrew
- Mr.* and Mrs. Oliver E. Seikel
- Aron L. Shapiro
- Marvin* & Judith Solganik
- David H. and Elizabeth H. Warshawsky Family
- Gerald E. Wedren*
Contributions as of Oct. 26, 2021