Think Forum: Kevin Roose - Livestream

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Think Forum: "Preparing You for a World Dominated by Technology and AI," featuring Kevin Roose


Kevin Roose is an award-winning technology columnist for The New York Times and the bestselling author of three books: his most recent is Futureproof, a guide to surviving the technological future, Young Money, and The Unlikely Disciple. His column, The Shift, examines the intersection of tech, business, and culture. Kevin is the host of two New York Times podcasts: Hard Fork, a weekly chat show with Casey Newton about the wild frontier of technology; and Rabbit Hole, an eight-part series released in 2020 about how the internet is influencing our beliefs and behavior.

He is a recurring guest on The Daily podcast and appears regularly on leading TV and radio shows. Kevin writes frequently on topics including automation and artificial intelligence, social media, disinformation and cybersecurity, and digital wellness.

Thanks to the support of our generous donors, The Think Forum lecture series is free and open to the public.