Course Objectives

Block 1 - Becoming a Doctor

  • Analyze, critique and present research studies from the primary literature.
  • Apply a framework for social, behavioral, structural, and environmental determinants of health to patient care and population health.
  • Demonstrate habits of ongoing reflection to identify learning needs, increase self-awareness, and continuously improve performance and personal growth.
  • Develop and practice the knowledge and skills that promote effective teamwork across a variety of settings.
  • Explore professional values and career paths to create a foundation for professional identity development.
  • Illustrate effective means to measure, understand, and affect the health of populations.
  • Link domains of Health System Science in health care structure, policy, value and economics, health systems improvement, and health informatics.
  • Recognize and analyze ethical problems in clinical medicine and biomedical research employing a variety of approaches including use of the principles of justice, nonmaleficence, beneficence, and respect for autonomy as a guiding framework.
  • Understand and demonstrate effective communication skills for learning and clinical practice environments.
  • Understand and practice the behaviors of an ethical, respectful, compassionate, reliable, and responsible physician.
  • Utilize a framework for implementation of bioethical principles in the practice of public health, population health, health systems science and clinical medicine.
  • Utilize principles of epidemiology and biostatistics to interpret scientific literature and clinical cases.

Block 2 - The Human Blueprint 

  • Analyze, critique and present research studies from the primary literature.
  • Demonstrate habits of ongoing reflection to identify learning needs, increase self-awareness, and continuously improve performance and personal growth.
  • Develop and practice the knowledge and skills that promote effective teamwork across a variety of settings.
  • Recognize and analyze ethical problems in clinical medicine and biomedical research employing a variety of approaches including use of the principles of justice, nonmaleficence, beneficence, and respect for autonomy as a guiding framework.
  • Understand and demonstrate effective communication skills for learning and clinical practice environments.
  • Understand and practice the behaviors of an ethical, respectful, compassionate, reliable, and responsible physician.
  • Understand cancer treatment options including surgery and radiation cytotoxic chemotherapy targeted therapies including those based on monoclonal antibodies and small molecules, as well as their modes of action.
  • Understand how DNA sequence alterations and epigenetic changes, defects in DNA repair pathways and dysregulation of signal transduction pathways lead to cancer, as well as the impact of cancer on public health.
  • Understand human reproduction including male and female gametogenesis, neuroendocrine control of sexual development, hormonal control of pregnancy and parturition and methods of contraception.
  • Understand the basic mechanisms of DNA replication and transcription including the impact of chromatin structure and epigenetic marks as well as the roles of cis-acting signals and trans-acting factors.
  • Understand the genetic basis and inheritance patterns (traditional and non-traditional) that lead to disease states including congenital defects and cancer; these include the consequences of mis-segregation of entire chromosomes, insertions, or deletions of portions of chromosomes, and point mutations that affect single genes.
  • Understand the mechanisms through which gene expression is regulated at multiple steps including transcription, RNA processing and translation and the impact of mutations that lead to disease due to faulty regulation.
  • Understand the normal development of a human embryo and describe how it is altered in developmental disorders that result from mutations or environmental factors.
  • Understand the normal synthesis, targets, regulation, and mechanisms of action of hormones and the molecular, cellular and tissue changes that accompany diseases that result from dysregulation of hormone production or targeting.
  • Understand the principles and pathways of signal transduction and how disruption of intra- or intercellular communication leads to diseases including endocrine disorders and cancer.
  • Understand the technical advances that led to the development of personalized medicine and describe how the results of genetic tests can be used to assess prognosis and treatment options for a growing number of diseases including congenital defects and cancer.

Block 3 - Food to Fuel

  • Analyze, critique and present research studies from the primary literature.
  • Demonstrate habits of ongoing reflection to identify learning needs, increase self-awareness, and continuously improve performance and personal growth.
  • Develop and practice the knowledge and skills that promote effective teamwork across a variety of settings.
  • Recognize and analyze ethical problems in clinical medicine and biomedical research employing a variety of approaches including use of the principles of justice, nonmaleficence, beneficence, and respect for autonomy as a guiding framework.
  • Understand and demonstrate effective communication skills for learning and clinical practice environments.
  • Understand and practice the behaviors of an ethical, respectful, compassionate, reliable, and responsible physician.
  • Understand normal GI physiology and major diseases of the GI organs and the liver.
  • Understand the anatomy of the GI tract.
  • Understand the biochemical basis for digestion of food, and the absorption, transport, storage, and utilization of fuels in health and disease.
  • Understand the importance of nutrition and its impact on metabolism.

Block 4 - Homeostasis

  • Analyze, critique and present research studies from the primary literature.
  • Apply principles of cell physiology to understand molecular function of the heart, kidneys and lungs.
  • Demonstrate habits of ongoing reflection to identify learning needs, increase self-awareness, and continuously improve performance and personal growth.
  • Develop and practice the knowledge and skills that promote effective teamwork across a variety of settings.
  • Recognize and analyze ethical problems in clinical medicine and biomedical research employing a variety of approaches including use of the principles of justice, nonmaleficence, beneficence, and respect for autonomy as a guiding framework.
  • Understand a) normal cardiovascular physiology and cardiac cell function and b) how cardiovascular diseases alter normal cardiac physiology and function at both the organ and cellular levels.
  • Understand a) normal pulmonary physiology and b) how pulmonary diseases alter normal pulmonary physiology and function.
  • Understand a) the role of the kidney in maintaining homeostasis and b) the interaction of the kidneys with other organ systems.
  • Understand and demonstrate effective communication skills for learning and clinical practice environments.
  • Understand and practice the behaviors of an ethical, respectful, compassionate, reliable, and responsible physician.
  • Understand how drugs affect the body and how the body handles drugs.

Block 5 - Host Defense & Host Response

  • Achieve an understanding of the development of the skeleton and limbs, progress through the formation and maintenance of healthy bones and joints, proceed with an examination of soft tissues and spinal mechanisms responsible for creating and controlling movement and conclude with an understanding of the pathological, congenital and acquired processes which negatively impact musculoskeletal function.
  • Analyze, critique and present research studies from the primary literature.
  • Demonstrate habits of ongoing reflection to identify learning needs, increase self-awareness, and continuously improve performance and personal growth.
  • Develop and practice the knowledge and skills that promote effective teamwork across a variety of settings.
  • Recognize and analyze ethical problems in clinical medicine and biomedical research employing a variety of approaches including use of the principles of justice, nonmaleficence, beneficence, and respect for autonomy as a guiding framework.
  • Students should describe how differences in host immunity alter the clinical diseases caused by infectious pathogens.
  • Students should emphasize important fundamental concepts in immunology and their importance in human disease.
  • Students should recognize the major clinical syndromes of infectious diseases including their microbiology and treatment.
  • Students should understand normal and abnormal hematopoiesis and clotting.
  • Students should understand the pathophysiology and clinical management of rheumatic and connective tissue.
  • Students should understand the structure of skin tissue, its interactions with microbes and the immunology of skin.
  • Understand and demonstrate effective communication skills for learning and clinical practice environments.
  • Understand and practice the behaviors of an ethical, respectful, compassionate, reliable, and responsible physician.

Block 6 - Cognition, Sensation, & Movement

  • Achieve an understanding of the normal structure and physiology of eyes, ears, nose, and throat and conclude with an understanding of the pathological, congenital and acquired processes which negatively impact ophthalmologic and ENT function.
  • Analyze, critique and present research studies from the primary literature.
  • Demonstrate habits of ongoing reflection to identify learning needs, increase self-awareness, and continuously improve performance and personal growth.
  • Develop and practice the knowledge and skills that promote effective teamwork across a variety of settings.
  • Learn the basic cellular, molecular, biochemical and pharmacological processes that contribute to normal and abnormal neuronal function throughout the life-span of the individual.
  • Learn the clinical presentation, diagnosis, and multimodal treatment of psychiatric disorders, as well as underlying pathophysiology and theories regarding complex etiology.
  • Learn the integrated biopsychosocial elements of human mental function and their application in clinical psychiatric practice, and the general practice of medicine.
  • Recognize and analyze ethical problems in clinical medicine and biomedical research employing a variety of approaches including use of the principles of justice, nonmaleficence, beneficence, and respect for autonomy as a guiding framework.
  • Recognize the signs and symptoms of substance use disorder using a biopsychosocial model in order to make an accurate diagnosis, referral and plan. Demonstrate respectful language and communication.
  • Review the common clinical disorders of the human nervous system and their pathophysiology while using normal anatomic-functional relationships to pinpoint the site of disease involvement in the nervous system.
  • Understand and demonstrate effective communication skills for learning and clinical practice environments.
  • Understand and practice the behaviors of an ethical, respectful, compassionate, reliable, and responsible physician.

Block 7 - Structure

  • Apply this knowledge during their clinical clerkships and, ultimately, in the practice of medicine.
  • Be able to compare and contrast normal histology of organs and tissues to diseased organs and tissue.
  • Be able to compare and contrast normal physiology versus pathophysiology of organ systems.
  • Be able to evaluate organ and tissue histology/histopathology using virtual microscopy.
  • Develop a three-dimensional understanding of the structure of the human body.
  • Develop and practice the knowledge and skills that promote effective teamwork across a variety of settings.
  • Understand and demonstrate effective communication skills for learning and clinical practice environments.
  • Understand and practice the behaviors of an ethical, respectful, compassionate, reliable, and responsible physician.
  • Understand the various radiological modalities and develop a foundation for interpretation of radiological images.

Block 8 - Foundations of Clinical Medicine

  • Demonstrate habits of ongoing reflection to identify learning needs, increase self-awareness, and continuously improve performance and personal growth.
  • Develop and practice the knowledge and skills that promote effective teamwork across a variety of settings.
  • Demonstrate and integrate the clinical skills and professionalism that are developed and reinforced throughout the pre-clerkship phase.
  • Learn, discuss, and apply physical exam skills necessary for practice.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of patient context and the interconnectedness of structural and institutional factors that impact the provision of equitable, quality care.
  • Recognize and analyze ethical problems in clinical medicine and biomedical research employing a variety of approaches including use of the principles of justice, nonmaleficence, beneficence, and respect for autonomy as a guiding framework.
  • Understand and demonstrate effective communication skills for learning and clinical practice environments.
  • Understand and practice the behaviors of an ethical, respectful, compassionate, reliable, and responsible physician.
  • Sensitively gather, elicit, and synthesize relevant and accurate biopsychosocial information to inform and improve patient care.
  • Recognize and communicate uncertainties with patients and members of a healthcare team.
  • Utilize relationship-building skills to cultivate high-functioning partnerships that promote wellness.
  • Gather, synthesize, and interpret patient information to develop differential diagnoses and perform appropriate comprehensive and targeted histories and physical exams.
  • Demonstrate habits of ongoing reflection to identify bias in self and better understand personal values and their potential impact on patient care and research.
  • Develop strategies to navigate professional situations that elicit moral stress or discomfort.
  • Develop a personal vision of what it means to be a physician informed both by the expectations of the profession and individual knowledge, perspectives, and values.