Marie Mizer: 216.368.1359
If you are interested in pursuing this exciting opportunity, please review the provided information and contact your desired mentor to schedule an appointment to meet with them. Once an agreed-upon research project has been determined, please complete the CWRU MSSRP Application below.
email to : Marie Mizer, in PDF format
Please Note: The sum of your Project Proposal should be no longer than four pages (excluding references).
Background & Significance: No more than 500 words
Hypothesis: 3 – 4 lines maximum
Specific Aims: 1 – 2 Specific Aims maximum
Research Strategy: Describe the overall experimental design, methods to be used, analysis to be performed, and data to be reported.
Potential Pitfalls & Alternative Plans: Consider potential problems in your approach. List strategies you will use to address these problems if they arise.
References: List references cited in your research strategy.