Hope Barkoukis, PhD, RDN, LD, FAND
ChairDepartment of NutritionSchool of MedicineAssociate ProfessorDepartment of NutritionSchool of MedicineJack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Professor of Wellness and Preventive CareSchool of MedicineFaculty Co-LeadJack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Wellness and Preventive Care PathwaySchool of MedicineEmail: Hope.Barkoukis@case.edu
Phone: 216.368.2441
Stephanie Harris, PhD, RDN, LD
Associate ProfessorDepartment of NutritionSchool of MedicineSchoff Family Professorship in Integrative OncologyHelen Moss FoundationFaculty LeadJackJoseph and Morton Mandel Wellness and Preventive Care PathwaySchool of MedicineEmail: stephanie.harris@case.edu
Phone: 216.368.2443
David Cavallo, MPH, PhD, RDN
Assistant ProfessorDepartment of NutritionSchool of MedicineMemberPopulation and Cancer Prevention ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail: david.cavallo@case.edu
Phone: 216.368.6627
Elizabeth R. Click, DNP, ND, RN, CWP
Medical Director, Case Western Reserve UniversityAssociate ProfessorFrances Payne Bolton School of NursingEmail: erc10@case.edu
Phone: 216.368.5790
Gail Cresci, PhD
Assistant ProfessorDepartment of MedicineSchool of MedicineEmail: crescig@ccf.org
Justin Fiutem, MS
Exercise Physiologist and Research AssociateDepartment of PediatricsSchool of MedicineEmail: jjf26@case.edu
Phone: 216.844.1624
Darcy Freedman, PhD, MPH
Mary Ann Swetland Professor of Environmental Health SciencesDepartment of Population and Quantitative Health SciencesSchool of MedicineDirectorMary Ann Swetland Center for Environmental HealthSchool of MedicineCore FacultyPrevention Research Center for Healthy NeighborhoodsSchool of MedicineSecondary FacultyDivision of General Medical SciencesCenter for Community Health IntegrationSchool of MedicineSecondary FacultyJack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social SciencesFaculty AssociateSchubert Center for Child StudiesMemberPopulation and Cancer Prevention ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail: daf96@case.edu
Phone: 216.368.3060
Amy Greene
Clinical Assistant ProfessorDepartment of MedicineSchool of MedicineEmail: greenea3@ccf.org
- Daniel Milner
Marjorie Greenfield, MD
ProfessorDepartment of Reproductive BiologySchool of MedicineProfessorDepartment of PediatricsSchool of MedicineVice Chair of Faculty DevelopmentSchool of MedicineAssistant DeanOffice of Student AffairsSchool of MedicineDean, Geiger SocietySchool of MedicineEmail: mxg7@case.edu
Phone: 216.368.3164
Nora Nock, PhD, PE
ProfessorDepartment of Population and Quantitative Health SciencesSchool of MedicineAssociate ProfessorDepartment of MedicineSchool of MedicineMemberPopulation and Cancer Prevention ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterSchool of MedicineEmail: nora.nock@case.edu
Phone: 216.368.5653
Theodore Parran, Jr., MD
Isabel and Carter Wang Professor and Chair in Medical EducationSchool of MedicineAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Family Medicine and Community HealthSchool of MedicineAssociate ProfessorDepartment of MedicineSchool of MedicineEmail: tvp@case.edu
Phone: 216.368.2969
Tamara Randall, MS, RDN, LD, CDE, FAND
InstructorDepartment of NutritionSchool of MedicineDirector of the MS Public Health Nutrition InternshipDepartment of NutritionSchool of MedicineEmail: tamara.randall@case.edu
Phone: 216.368.6630
- Daniel Milner
Steven Ricanati, MD
Associate ProfessorDepartment of MedicineSchool of MedicineAssociate DeanOffice of Student AffairsSchool of MedicineDean, Wearn SocietySchool of MedicineEmail: steven.ricanati@case.edu
Phone: 216.368.3164
Amy Sheon, PhD, MPH
Adjunct Associate ProfessorDepartment of BioethicsSchool of MedicineAdjunct Associate ProfessorDepartment of Family Medicine and Community HealthSchool of MedicineAdjunct Associate ProfessorDepartment of Population and Quantitative Health SciencesSchool of MedicineDigital Health Equity ConsultantPublic Health Innovators, LLCEmail: amy@publichealthinnovators.com
Phone: 646.974.4552
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