April 12 Deadline for Applications to New Provost Office Leadership Roles

Dear Faculty Colleagues, 

In late March, I announced that the Office of the Provost is seeking to fill four new roles. As the deadline for applications swiftly approaches on April 12, 2024, I want to ensure you have ample time to consider these opportunities. 

These roles, open to tenured full professors, include: 

  1. Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies & Postdoctoral Affairs
  2. Associate Provost for Interdisciplinary Initiatives
  3. Faculty Director, Office of Faculty Advancement
  4. Faculty Director, International Affairs 

These positions are crucial for our university's growth and success, from enhancing graduate studies to fostering global partnerships. I encourage eligible faculty to explore these roles in-depth on the Candidate Search page of my website.


Joy K. Ward
Provost and Executive Vice President
Case Western Reserve University