University Budget Committee

The University Budget Committee serves as an advisory body to the Provost and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and is charged with oversight of the budgeting and forecasting model(s) and related processes, assumptions and activities. UBC takes a university view, as opposed to a school or unit viewpoint, in its deliberations and recommendations.

UBC conducts assessments and analyses and recommends improvements to enhance the effectiveness of the university’s financial operating model including the authorities, accountabilities and responsibilities of central units, schools, auxiliaries and UGEN units. UBC reviews budget assumptions and plans for academic units and administrative groups, including annual operating budgets, multi-year forecasts and capital budgets. UBC also recommends changes in the processes, rules and exemptions governing allocations, funding, initiatives, indirect cost recovery, and tuition sharing among and across the university and its constituent units.

The Provost, in consultation with the CFO and Chair of the Faculty Senate Finance Committee (FSFC), appoints members to UBC based on expertise and commitment.  UBC membership includes:

  • a minimum of six tenured, full-time faculty members serving 3-year staggered terms
  • one dean serving a 2-year term
  • one business officer selected from one of the eight schools serving a 2-year term,
  • the Senior Director of Finance, Office of the Provost, and
  • the Vice President for Financial Planning

The Provost appoints the Chair of the UBC.  

The Chair of the UBC serves as an ex-officio member of the FSFC, attends FSFC meetings and reports on UBC priorities, activities and progress.  

The chair of the FSFC serves as an ex-officio member of the UBC, attends UBC meetings and reports on FSFC priorities, activities and progress.

University Budget Committee Members:

  • Chris Winkelman, Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Chair
  • Jonathan Carlson, Office of Budget and Financial Planning
  • Juscelino Colares, School of Law
  • Danny Manor, School of Medicine
  • Robert Savinell, Case School of Engineering
  • Aloen Townsend, Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences
  • Carol Musil, Dean Representative
  • Melanie Walker, School Business Officer Representative
  • Simon Peck, Faculty Senate Finance Committee, Weatherhead School of Management
  • Craig Zullig, Office of the Provost

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