
Explore the full books our researchers have published.

2024 Publications

Flannery, D. J., Noriega, I., Pittman, S., Singer, M., Kretschmar, J., & Butcher, F. (2024). Violence Exposure and Trauma Screener for Youth (VETSY). Child abuse & neglect, 153, 106843.

2023 Publications

Barrera-Valencia, M., Calderon-Delgado, L., Noriega, I., Al-Khalil, K., Trejos-Castillo, E., & O'Boyle, M. (2023). Emotional processing in children with post-traumatic stress disorder: Evidence from a study of function neuroimaging (fMRI). Investigative Results: Cognitive Neuroscience. Volume II. Santiago de Cali University.  

Berg, K. A., Ishler, K. J., Lytle, S., Kaplan, R., Wang, F., Olgac, T., Miner, S., Edguer, M. N., & Biegel, D. E. (2023). “Don’t promise something you can’t deliver”: Caregivers’ advice for improving services to adolescents and young adults with autism. Autism Research and Treatment.

Deo,V., Bhullar, M., Gilson, T.,  Flannery, D., & Fulton, S., (2023) The Need to Rethink Harm Reduction for People Using Drugs Alone to Reduce Overdose Fatalities, Substance Use & Misuse.  

Flannery, D. J., Scholer, S. & Noriega, I. (2023, July). Bullying and School Violence. Pediatric Clinics of North America – Addressing Violence in Pediatric Practice  

Hussey, D.L. (2023).  A discussion of pre-addiction.  National Association of Social Workers, ATOD Fall/Winter Specialty Practice Section, 2-4.

Ishler, K. J., Berg, K. A., Olgac, T., Obeid, R., & Biegel, D. E. (2023). Barriers to service and unmet need among autistic adolescents and young adults.  Autism. Advance online publication.

Riske-Morris, M., Hussey, D.L., Olgac, T. et al. Commentary on the Revision of SAMHSA’s National Outcome Measures (NOMs) for Discretionary Programs. J Behav Health Serv Res (2023).

2022 Publications

Flannery, D., Fleisher, M., Flynn, K., McMaster, R., Riske-Morris, M., & Fulton, S. (2022).  Cuyahoga County, Ohio Heroin and Crime Initiative:  Informing the Investigation and Prosecution of Heroin-related Overdose.  Summary Overview of the HIDI Protocol and Recommendations for Law Enforcement, Award number 2017-DN-BX-0168.  Office of Justice Programs, US Department of Justice, National Institutes of Justice.

Flynn, K., Riske-Morris, M., & Hussey, D. (2022), Opportunities to Improve Behavioral Health Crisis Response: Results of a Large Urban County’s Community Status Assessment. Journal of Community Psychology, 50(2), 1008-1027.

Hobbs, S. D., Chae, Y., & Noriega, I. (2022). Autobiographical memory and health in childhood and adolescence. In A. Epperson (Ed.), Encyclopedia of child and adolescent health.    

Lovell,Rachel E., McGuire, Margaret, Lorincz-Comi, Noah, Overman, Laura, Dover, Thomas, Sabo, Danielle & Flannery, Daniel J. (2022) Examining Walking-Waiting Sexual Assaults from Previously Untested Sexual Assault Kits: The Intersection of Stranger and Outdoor Sexual Assaults. Victims & Offenders: An International Journal of Evidence-based Research, Policy, and Practice.

Lovell, R., Fletcher, A, Sabo, D., Overman, L., & Flannery, D.J. (2022). What an examination of previously untested sexual assault kits tells us about the patterns of victimization and case outcomes for black women and girls. In E. Ahlin, O. Mitchell and C. Atkin-Plunk (Eds.) Inequalities in Sentencing and Corrections among Marginalized Populations (pp 49-70).NY: Taylor & Francis. 

2021 Publications

Calderon-Delgado, L., Barrera-Valencia, M., Noriega, I., Al-Khalil, K., Trejos-Castillo, E., O’Boyle, M. (2021). Aportes de los estudios de neuroimagen funcional a la comprensión del trauma infantil: estudio preliminar (Contributions from functional neuroimaging studies to the comprehension of traumatic child experiences: preliminary findings). Rev. CES Pisco, 14(3), 19-33.  

Deo, V., Gilson, T., Kaspar, C., and Singer, M.E. (2021, January) The fentanyl phase of the opioid epidemic in Cuyahoga County. Journal of Forensic Sciences. Journal of Forensic Sciences.

Flannery, D.J., Fox, J.A., Wallace, L.N., Mulvey, E., & Modzeleski, W. (2021, Mar). Guns, School Shooters, and School Safety: What We Know and Directions for Change. School Psychology Review.

Fleisher, M.S. (2021).Social observation and ethnography. In Social Bridges and Contexts in Criminology and Sociology: Reflections on the Intellectual Legacy of James F. Short, Jr. New York: Routledge by Lori Hughes and Lisa Brody. (Eds.)

Ishler, K. J., Biegel, D. E., Wang, F., Olgac, T., Lytle, S., Miner, S., ... & Kaplan, R. (2021). Service Use Among Transition-Age Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1-15.  

Lovell R.E., Singer M.E., Flannery D.J., McGuire M.J. (2021). The Case for ‘Investigate All’: Assessing the Cost-Effectiveness of Investigating No CODIS Hit Cases in a Sexual Assault Kit Initiative. Journal of Forensic Sciences.

Noriega, I., Trejos-Castillo, E., Chae, Y., Calderon-Delgado, L., Barrera-Valencia, M., L. Al-Khalil, K., O’Boyle, M. (2021). Emotional memory processing in PTSD affected Colombian youth. International Journal of Psychology.

Timmons-Mitchell, J., Noriega, I., and Flannery, D.J. (2021, May). Bullying in School and Cyberspace. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice.

Timmons-Mitchell, J. (2021, Feb). Giving Yourself Credit for Coping During the Pandemic Psychology Today.

2020 Publications

Beale, B., Lung, M., (2020, Sep 18). Pondering Life Adventures: Episode 1: It all begins with pondering stress in our daily lives. Podcast.

Beale, B., Lung, M., (2020, Sep 26). Pondering Life Adventures: Episode 2: Who We Are As Parents . Podcast.

Boehnlein, T., Kretschmar, J, Regoeczi, W., and Smialek, J. (2020, Mar 13). Responding to Stalking Victims: Perceptions, Barriers, and Directions for Future Research. Journal of Family Violence.

Butcher, F. and Kretschmar, J. (2020, Feb 4). How Juvenile Justice Systems Must Balance Risk Assessment with Racial Equity. Juvenile Justice information Exchange.

Council on Social Work Education (2020, Oct) (National Task Force Member).Specialized Practice Curricular Guide for Substance Use Social Work Practice. Council on Social Work Education

Dagar, A., Anand, A., Pestana-Knight, E., Timmons-Mitchell, J., Tossone, K., & Falcone, T. (2020, Nov).Screening for suicidality and its relation to undiagnosed psychiatric comorbidities in children and youth with epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior, 113, 10743.

Dragomir, R.R. and Tadros, E. (2020 Jun 11). Exploring the Impacts of Racial Disparity Within the American Juvenile Justice System. Juvenile and Family Count Journal, 71:2, 61-73.

Falcone, T., Dagar, A.,, Timmons-Mitchell, J. (2020, May). Digital conversations about suicide among teenagers and adults with epilepsy: a big-data, machine learning analysis. Epilepsia.

Flannery, D.J., Yang, L., Singer, M.I., & Walker, M. (2020, July). Cleveland, Ohio: A Community Law Enforcement Partnership for Sustainable Neighborhood Change. In R. Stokes and C. Gill (Eds.). Innovations in Community-Based Crime Prevention: Stories from the Field. NY: Springer.

Flannery, D.J., Gilson, T., Bhullar, M., and Noriega, I. (2020, August). Research in Brief: Carfentanil—A Fourth Wave of Fatal Overdoses. Police Chief Magazine.

Flynn, K. C. & Fleisher, M. S. (2020, Oct). Writing 'Street Culture' Should be a Crime. In J. I. Ross (Ed.) Routledge Handbook of Street Culture. (pp. 263-72). London: Routledge.

Lovell, R., Overman, L., Huang, D., and Flannery, D. (2020, Sep 25). The Bureaucratic Burden of Identifying your Rapist and Remaining “Cooperative”: What the Sexual Assault Kit Initiative Tells us about Sexual Assault Case Attrition and Outcomes. American Journal of Criminal Justice.

Lovell, R.E., Williamson, A., Dover, T.J., Keel, T.G., and Flannery, D.J. (2020, May). Identifying Serial Sexual Offenders Through Cold Cases. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin.

Lovell, R., Huang, W., Overman, L., Flannery, D.J. and Klingenstein, J. (2020). Offending Histories and Typologies of Suspected Sexual Offenders Identified via Untested Sexual Assault Kits. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 47(4):470-486. DOI: 10.1177/0093854819896385

Noriega, I., Trejos-Castillo, E., et. al. (2020, Nov 24). Emotional memory processing in post-traumatic stress disorder affected Colombian youth. International Journal of Psychology.

Timmons-Mitchell, J. (2020, Sept 29). How Parents and Kids Can Both Stay Sane This Winter. Psychology Today.

Timmons-Mitchell, J. (2020, March). 16 Things to Do While the Kids Are HomePsychology Today.

Timmons-Mitchell, J. and Flannery, D.J. (2020, July). What Pediatricians Should Know and Do about Cyberbullying. Pediatrics in Review.

Timmons-Mitchell, J. (2020, March). Where to Find Resources to Structure the Day. Psychology Today.

Trejos-Castillo, E. & Noriega, I. (2020). Mental and Reproductive Health in Multisystem Youth: An in-depth qualitative approach. Children & Youth Services Review, 109.

2019 Publications

Baughman, M., Tossone, K., Singer, M. & Flannery (2019).  Evaluation of treatment and other factors that lead to drug court success, substance use reduction and mental health symptomology reduction over time. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 63(2), 257-269. 

Flannery, D. J., & Farrell, A. D. (2019). Evaluating school-based violence prevention programs: Challenges and opportunities now and into the future. In M. J. Mayer & S. R. Jimerson (Eds.), School safety and violence prevention: Science, practice, policy (pp. 297-323). Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association.

Flannery, D.J., Tossone, K., Kretschmar, J., Butcher, F., & Singer, M.I. (2019).  Examination of a new brief screening measure of trauma symptoms and violence exposure among young children. Violence and Victims 34(5), 733-751. 

Flannery, D.J., Bear, G., Benbenishty, R., Astor, R.A., Bradshaw, C.P., Sugai, G., Cornell, D., Gottfredson, D., Nation, M., Jimerson, S., Nickerson, A., Mayer, M., Skiba, R., Weist, M., Espelage, D., Furlong, M.J., Guerra, N., Jagers, R., Noguera, P., Webster, D., & Osher, D. (2019).  The scientific evidence supporting an eight point public health oriented action plan to prevent gun violence.  In Osher, D., Mayer, M., Jagers, R., Kendziora, K., & Wood, L. (Eds.).  Keeping students safe and helping them thrive:  A collaborative handbook on school safety, mental health and wellness. (Vol. 2, pp. 227-255).  New York, NY: Praeger.

Fleisher, M. (2019). Historical Roots of Chicago’s Contemporary Violence: An Interpretation of Chicago’s Early Sociologists’ Texts on Black AssimilationJournal of Black Studies, 50:8.

Fleisher, M.S., & Flannery, J.O. (2019). Intimidation. In R.D. Morgan (Ed.). The SAGE Encyclopedia of Criminal Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Fleisher, M.S., & Flannery, J.O. (2019). Texas Syndicate. In R.D. Morgan (Ed.). The SAGE Encyclopedia of Criminal Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 

Flynn, K. and Flannery, D. (2019, July). We Can Change Our Culture of Gun Violence: Here’s How. Youth Today.

Hussey, D.L, and Flynn, K.C. (2019, Nov). The Utility and Impact of the Addiction Comprehensive Health Enhancement Support System (ACHESS) on Substance Abuse Treatment Adherence among Youth in an Intensive Outpatient Program. Psychiatry Research, Volume 218.

Katafiasz, H., Patton, R., Georke, J., Dragomir, R., and Fye, J. (2019). A Dyadic Examination of Individual Symptomology and Relational Functioning Within the Context of IPV. Contemporary Family Therapy.

Singer, M. (2019, February). Migrant Children, Our Children. Stow and Strongsville Patch.        

Timmons-Mitchell, J. and Cho, S. (2019). Gender Differences in Bullying and Suicide. In Boone (Ed.). Bullying in Schools: Prevention, Gender Differences and Perspectives. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Timmons-Mitchell, J. (2019, June). School’s Out. Now What? Psychology Today.

Timmons-Mitchell, J., Albright, G., McMillan, J., Shockley, K., and Cho, S. (2019). Virtual Role-play: Middle School Educators Addressing Student Mental Health. Health Behavior & Policy Review. Nov/Dec2019, Vol. 6 Issue 6, p546-557

Timmons-Mitchell, J. (2019, February). When Kids Don't Want to Clean Up. Psychology Today.

Tossone, K., Kishna, M., Kretschmar, J. and Flannery, D.J. (2019). Poly-Victimization across Time in Juvenile Justice-Involved Youth Receiving Behavioral Health Treatment. Victims and Offenders, 15(1), 22-42.

Yoon, D. and Flannery, D.J. (2019). How to Prepare Cross-National Bullying Studies: Conceptualization and Operationalization Differences. In Boone (Ed.). Bullying in Schools: Prevention, Gender Differences and Perspectives. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

2018 Publications

Albright G., Timmons-Mitchell J., McMillan J. (2018, May). Gatekeeper Training to Prevent Suicide in the Emergency Department and in Primary Care. In: Falcone T., Timmons-Mitchell J. (eds) Suicide Prevention. Springer, Cham.

Baughman, M., Tossone, K., Singer, M.I., and Flannery, D.J. (2018, July). Evaluation of Treatment and Other Factors That Lead to Drug Court Success, Substance Use Reduction, and Mental Health Symptomatology Reduction Over Time. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.

Falcone T., Staniskyte M., Timmons-Mitchell J. (2018, May) Psychosis and Suicide. In: Falcone T., Timmons-Mitchell J. (eds) Suicide Prevention. Springer, Cham.

Flannery, D. (2018, February 16). Here’s how witnessing violence harms children’s mental health. The Conversation.

Flannery, D. and Singer, M. (2018, July). Thought Leaders' Corner: What role can population health play in dealing with the Opioid Crisis? Population Health News.

Fleisher, M. (2018, November). The History of Gangs and Gang Research. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology.

Fleisher, M.S., & McCarty, C. (2018, July). Social networks and violence. In Flannery, D.J., Vazsonyi, A., and Waldman, I. (Eds). Cambridge Handbook of Violent Behavior (pp. xxxx). New York: Cambridge University Press.    

Kishna, M. (2018, April). How One City in Ohio Reduced Youth Imprisonment. MST Services Blog.

Kishna, M. (2018, June). State Success Guide: Ohio. MST Services Blog

Kretschmar, J., Tossone, K., Butcher, F., and Marsh, B. (2018) Examining the impact of a juvenile justice diversion program for youth with behavioral health concerns on early adulthood recidivism. Children and Youth Services Review.

Kretschmar, J. and Tucci Teodosio, L. (2018, November). How Ohio’s Restore Court Focuses on Helping Sex Trafficked Youth. Juvenile Justice Information Exchange.

Lovell, R., Luminais, M., Flannery, D.J., Bell, R., Kyker, B. (2018, May). Describing the process and quantifying the outcomes of the Cuyahoga County sexual assault kit initiative. Journal of Criminal Justice (57), pp 106-115. 

Lovell, R., Flannery, D., & Luminais, M. (2018, July).  Lessons learned:  Serial sex offenders identified from backlogged sexual assault kits (SAKs).  In Vazsonyi, A., Flannery, D., & DeLisi, M. (Eds.). The Cambridge Handbook of Violent Behavior and Aggression (2nd ed.).  New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Lovell, R., Luminais, M., and Flynn, K. (2018, January). Structural Misgendering Of Transgender Sex Workers in Chicago Via Mug Shots? A Case Study Of Practicing in the Social Sciences. Practicing Anthropology: Winter 2018, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 48-52.

Lovell, R., Singer, Me., Flannery, D., and Luminais, M. (2018, March 29). Testing Unsubmitted Rape Kits Saves Money. End the Backlog Blog

Lovell, R., Collins, C., McGuire, M., Overman, L., Luminais, M., and Flannery, D. (2018, July). Understanding Intimate Partner Sexual Assaults: Findings from Sexual Assault Kits. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, & Trauma

Singer, M. (2018, April). Ways to Address the Opioid Crisis. New York Times

Timmons-Mitchell, J. and Flannery, D. (2018, November). Bullying: When does it Stop? Fifteen Eighty Four.

Vazsonyi, A., Flannery, D., & DeLisi, M. (2018, July). New directions in research on violence: Bridging science, practice and policy. In Vazsonyi, A., Flannery, D., & DeLisi, M. (Eds.). The Cambridge Handbook of Violent Behavior and Aggression (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. 

2017 Publications

Kobulsky, J.M., Kepple, N.J., Holmes, M.R., and Hussey, D.L. (2017, February). Concordance of parent- and child reported physical abuse following child protective services investigationChild Maltreatment.

Kretschmar, J.M., Capizzi, A., and Shafer, E. (2017). A Decade of Diversion: Ohio's Behavioral Health Juvenile Justice Initiative. Focal Point, 31, 22-24.

Lovell, R., Luminais, M., Flannery, D., Overman, L., Huang, D., and Walker, T. (2017, August). Offending patterns for serial sex offenders identified via the DNA testing of previously unsubmitted sexual assault kitsJournal of Criminal Justice.

Fleisher, M. (2017). Bullets, Bucks, and the Bottom Line: Corporate Engagement in Violence Intervention and Economic Growth in Impoverished NeighborhoodsJournal of Accounting and Finance.

Flynn, K. and Hoffer, L. (2017, July). Transitioning Illicit Drug Preferences and Identities in Ohio: The Proliferation of Methamphetamine Use among African-AmericansJournal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse.

Singer, M. (2017, July). Back to the future with community policing in Cleveland. Cleveland Plain Dealer.

Timmons-Mitchell, J. (2017, September). How do you say it will be all right? Psychology Today.

Timmons-Mitchell, J. (2017, March). Preventing Youth Suicide: Research Collaborative Explores Evolving Strategies. Cleveland Clinic.

Timmons-Mitchell, J. (2017, October). Suicide Prevention in Community-Based Care: Evidence for the Importance of Resilience. Journal of the Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.

Timmons-Mitchell, J. (2017, August). You’ve got to be carefully taughtPsychology Today.

Tossone, K., Wheeler, M., Butcher, F., & Kretschmar, J. M. (2017). The role of sexual abuse in trauma symptoms, delinquent and suicidal behaviors, and criminal justice outcomes among females in a juvenile justice diversion program. Violence Against Women.

2016 Publications

Flannery, D. (2016, October). Bullying Prevention: a Summary of the Report of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and MedicinePrevention Science

Flannery, D. and Singer, M. (2016, March). Here’s how witnessing violence harms children’s mental healthThe Conversation.

Galanek, J., Duda, J., Flannery, D., Kretschmar, J., and Butcher, F. (2016, November). Fugitive Safe Surrender: A Qualitative Analysis of Participants’ Reasons for Surrender and Anticipated OutcomesJournal of Qualitative Criminal Justice and Criminology.

Kretschmar, J. (2016, August). Children and Families Forum: Treatment Instead of Serving TimeSocial Work Today.

Kretschmar, J., Tossone, K., and Flannery, D. (2016, June). Patterns of Poly Victimization in a Sample of At-Risk YouthJournal of Child Abuse and Trauma

Kretschmar, J., Tossone, K., Butcher, F., and Harris, L. Validating the Ohio Scales in a Juvenile Sample of Youth With Behavioral IssuesJournal of Child and Family Studies.

Lovell, R. and Flannery, D. (2016, November). Testing of backlogged rape evidence leads to hundreds of convictionsThe Conversation.

Timmons-Mitchell, J. (2016, August). Back to School Is a Trusting TimePsychology Today.

Timmons-Mitchell, J. (2016, July). Development and Validation of the Gatekeeper Behavior ScaleCrisis.

Timmons-Mitchell, J., Levesque, D. A., Harris, L.A., Flannery, D. J., & Falcone, T. (2016). Pilot Test of StandUp, an Online School-Based Bullying Prevention Program. Children & Schools, 38,71-79.

Timmons-Mitchell, J. (2016, November). To Stop Bullying in Children, Show Them How to Get AlongPsychology Today.