Dr. Dorothy Pijan Student Leadership Awards


The Student Leadership Awards were created by Dr. Dorothy Pijan in 1986 to recognize and honor CWRU's outstanding undergraduate student leaders. Dr. Pijan worked at CWRU as the director of Thwing Center and Student Activities from 1982-2003.

Dr. Pijan was a well-respected and nationally known student union professional. She had an incredible passion, drive and dedication to student leadership. After her death in 2003, the awards were named in her honor to recognize her many contributions to student life at Case Western Reserve University.

Over 20 different student leadership awards for both undergraduate and graduate students are presented during an awards ceremony in the spring. Nominations are solicited from across the campus and the winners are selected by an anonymous committee.


Awards Process and 2025 Timeline

Nomination Period

During the nomination period, students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to complete the nomination form recognizing outstanding students, programs, organizations, and advisors. To nominate, you select an award, name a person, program, or organization that should be considered for that award, write a short paragraph stating why the nominee deserves the award, and answer one or two questions supporting your stance. The entire nomination process should only take about 10 minutes!

Consider the following questions if you are wondering what to write in your nomination. Please keep in mind that for most awards (President's Award excluded), we hope to hear about what they have accomplished during this awards period (from February 2024 through February 2025).

  • How has the student, program, or organization positively impacted the campus community?
  • Why does this student, program, or organization stand out?
  • What makes this student, program, or organization EXTRAordinary?
  • How has this student, program, or organization improved the lives of those around them?

Please be sure that the nominee meets the award criteria before submitting. 

Submit your Nominations

The nomination deadline is Sunday, March 2, 2025, at 11:59pm.

Awards Ceremony and Reception

The Awards Ceremony is an opportunity to celebrate all nominees! All students nominated for awards are encouraged to attend and will be recognized. Award winners are also announced during this event.

Academic Year 2024-2025's ceremony and reception will take place on Tuesday, April 22, 2025 in the Foster-Castele Great Hall inside the Linsalata Alumni Center.

For more information, please contact Dominic Gattozzi at dxg510@case.edu