Nonimmigrant Visa Sponsorship

Case Western Reserve University routinely sponsors and/or employs international individuals for positions that qualify for certain visa categories. Our most commonly sponsored nonimmigrant visa types include: 

Please click on the visa type above or refer to the chart below for additional information on each visa type.

Case Western Reserve University also employs those who hold a visa status other than one of the above. These may include, but are not limited to: 

Filing Fees

Filing fees vary depending on particular visa status and whether the applicant is applying from within the U.S. or abroad. Please contact the VISA Office at or visit the USCIS and/or State Department websites for more information.  

Ready to Request a Visa?

Log in to the Visa Portal. You can use your Case Western Reserve University credentials to log in. If you have not used the system before, please contact to have your account set up. 

Sponsorship Process

At the discretion of the department in tandem with the VISA Office, Case Western Reserve University may decide to sponsor qualified individuals for nonimmigrant visas for eligible positions. Whether to sponsor someone for a work visa is at the discretion of the department. Eligibility is determined by the VISA Office. Upon departmental and VISA Office approval, the department will initiate a "New Sponsorship Request" in the Scholar Portal to begin the  process. 

In most cases, the VISA Office requires advance notice of at least 3-6 months  to process a sponsorship request. It is highly recommended that departments and employees contact the VISA Office as soon as visa sponsorship becomes a consideration. 

Depending on the visa type, fees, processing timeframes, and processes may differ. The VISA Office will work with the department and employee/scholar to ensure all required documentation is collected and will file the petition on behalf of the University and the employee. 

Questions should be directed to the VISA Office at

Visa Type


Lead Time Needed

Maximum Time Limit

J-1 Research Scholar/ Professor

Research Scholars and Professors who engage in research and/or teaching positions at CWRU.

At least 3 months prior to the anticipated start date.

  • Up to 5 years. 
  • Scholars become subject to the 24-month repeat participation bar upon ending their J-1 visa.
  • In some cases, scholars may be subject to the two-year home residence requirement.

J-1 Short-Term Scholar

Research Scholars and Professors who engage in research and/or teaching positions for up to 6 months.

At least 3 months prior to the anticipated start date.

  • Up to 6 months.
  • In some cases, scholars may be subject to the two-year home residence requirement.

J-1 Student Intern

For students enrolled in degree program abroad coming to CWRU for an educational internship.

At least 3 months prior to the anticipated start date.

  • Up to 1 year, if the student remains enrolled in a degree program abroad. The student intern cannot graduate while in the US.
  • Interns with internships longer than 6 months become subject to the 12-month repeat participation bar upon ending their J-1 visa. 
  • In some cases, student interns may be subject to the two-year home residence requirement.


For faculty, staff and research appointees who are coming to CWRU temporarily to the United States to work in a specialty occupation.

At least 6 months prior to the anticipated start date.

  • Up to 6 years, applied for in up to 3-year increments


For faculty, staff and researchers who are “individuals of extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, or education.”

At least 6 months prior to the anticipated start date.

  • Up to 3 years initially; may be extended indefinitely in one-year increments. 
  • Due to their complexity, O-1s are used infrequently and only for those with compelling need.


For Mexican or Canadian citizens to be admitted to the United States to engage in "business activities at a professional level" in certain fields.

  • At least 3 months prior to the anticipated start date if a USCIS filing is required.
  • At least 2 month prior to the anticipated start date if applying at port of entry, for Canadians,  or a US consular post in Mexico.
  • Up to 3 years initially; may be extended indefinitely in one-year increments.


A temporary worker visa designated for Australian citizens coming temporarily to CWRU to work in a specialty occupation.

  • At least 6 months prior to the anticipated start date if a USCIS filing is required.
  • At least 2 months prior if applying at a consulate abroad.
  • Up to 2 years initially; may be extended indefinitely in up to 2 year increments