Page Sections

Here, you'll find a list of available sections you can include on your web pages, as well as tips for how/where to use them. Section types are available to sites based on their design and layout. If you have a question about section types that aren't listed here, please contact us


An aside is an option that allows you to draw attention to specific content on the right-hand side of the webpage. This can be used to provide useful information, related links or contact information to users.   

Adding an Aside

You can choose to add an aside on pages such as the Basic Page and Robust 3-Column Page. 

When editing a page, look for a tab called either Aside Content or Right Sidebar. This is where to add your aside. 

  • Select the Aside Content Right Sidebar tab and click the Add Aside button. 
  • To use the button option on the aside, you can provide a URL, or start typing and autofill a URL from a page that already exists within your site. 
  • To add another aside on this page, go back to the Aside Content tab and select Add Aside at the bottom. You’ll see that another aside appears with the same options.

To change the position of these asides:

  • Click and hold the set of six dots on the left towards the middle of each aside section. This allows you to move the aside up and down on the page, changing the order of appearance. 
    • If you have multiple sections you'd like to reorder, you can also click the three-dot icon at the top of the tab, select 'Drag & Drop', and then rearrange your sections.
  • You can also delete an aside completely by selecting the Remove button in the top right-hand corner of each aside. 


An accordion is a type of section that allows you to add content within collapsible headers—which open and close—on your site. We recommend only using accordions sparingly, as they hide content at first glance to the site visitor; FAQs are a good use case, as there usually is a lot of content that needs to be shared in one page and can be easily glanced through to find the answer a user is looking for. 

In most cases, you’ll find that dividing content up with headers will do. But in the event you want to use an accordion, here is how to add one to your page. 

Accordions can be added to Robust 3-Column pages. Because they are their own section, they are separate from the rest of your content and have their own WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor when you create them.

To add or change an accordion on your Robust 3-Column page:

  • Go to the Main Content tab
  • In the drop-down menu, select Add Accordion. 
  • The first thing you’ll notice is that the accordion content is divided by sections. Each section will have:
    • Accordion title: This is what appears in bold when the accordion is collapsed. 
    • Accordion content: This is the text that will be revealed when the accordion is clicked on. 
  • If you need to remove a section of content for any reason, you can also do this here.
    • Once you delete a section, that action cannot be undone. 
  • To reorder the pieces of the accordion, use the six-dotted icon to drag and move, as you do with the Aside. 


Galleries display and cycle through multiple images. Typically, galleries contain images that share a similar theme. You should try to keep your galleries under five images, but may have up to seven. Each image should be no larger than 256kb.

To add a Gallery on to your page:

  • Use the “Gallery” Section Type in the main content area.
  • Click the Add Gallery option in the drop-down menu 
  • Select a gallery size.
    • We recommend a full-width gallery that will span the page. The gallery will display differently on the page based on the option you select. 
  • The gallery is divided in sections. To add a new image, add a new Gallery Section to the same gallery. 
  • You can use the six-dotted icon to change the order the images appear in the gallery. Click and hold the dotted icon to drag and reorder the images. 


Subfeatures promote the most important content on your site. They link to the content with a button and are separated into columns. 

  • Subfeature Title 
  • Subfeature Image: We recommend a subfeature image be sized at 705 x 528 px. 
  • Subfeature Content: Add with a WYSIWYG editor.
    • We recommend 1-2 short sentences to allow all subfeatures to have a similar length.
  • Subfeature Link: Add URL or begin typing the name of another page on your site to link to an internal website page 
  • Link Text: Generally a call to action.
  • Document Link: Able to link to all doc types. Upload a file or link to a document such as a Google Doc.

You can change the order of your subfeatures using the six-dotted icon or by clicking the three-dot icon at the top of the tab, selecting 'Drag & Drop', and then rearranging your sections.