Robust 3-Column Page

The Robust 3-Column page has more options available than a Basic Page. You can add up to five full-width Hero Images at the top of the page, but keep in mind: the more photos you add to a page, the longer it takes to load. For this reason, we recommend the hero image generally only be used on landing pages or pages in your top-level navigation.

What Can Be Used on a Robust 3-Column Page?

Accordions are vertically stacked lists of headers that can be clicked to reveal or hide the content associated with them.

External feeds are any feeds like Facebook or Google Calendar where an embed code may be used. 

These display and cycle through multiple images.

If you think you're going to have a table on the same page as an aside, a Robust 3 Column is the best content type to use. 

If the page you’re creating will be holding a listing of any sort, such as for Biographies, News Articles, or Events, a Robust 3-Column page can support it.

After creating a page, your next step should be to decide where this content will live in the navigation so users can find it.

All pages on your site should have a place in your navigation. To place the page within the navigation on your site, use the Menu Settings dropdown on the right-hand side of your screen.

Learn more about adding new pages.