Editing Your Biography

How to Edit Your Faculty or Staff Biography

Welcome! This guide will walk you through the process of editing your faculty or staff biography on the School of Engineering website. Your biography may appear on several different websites across the university, including specific departments, centers, and institutes.

As an editor, you have access to our Biographies hub and can make the following changes to your biographies: 

  • Edit any information on your already existing biography 

Because biographies can appear on multiple sites, as an editor you do not have access to: 

  • Delete or unpublish a biography 
  • Place a biography on your site in a specific order or on a specific section 
  • Create a new Biography 

If you need to make any of the above changes, please contact help@case.edu and we can assist. 

If you'd like to edit your Biography, please use the following steps to make changes.

Accessing the Biography Database

  1. Locate Your Biography:
    • The biographies are stored in a central biographies database. To access it, follow the provided link of https://live-cwru-biographies.pantheonsite.io/caslogin
  2. Search for Your Biography:
    • You can search for your biography by:
      • Name: Type your last name into the search field.
      • Website(s) Bio Should Appear On: Open the drop down and scroll to find "Engineering - Website".
  3. Select Your Biography:
    • Once your biography appears in the list, click on it. You'll now be looking at your biography, ready to edit.
  4. Confirm You're in the Biography Database:
    • You’ll see "View, Edit, and Revisions" above the biography name and the word "Biographies" in the header (instead of "School of Engineering" or another department). This confirms you're in the correct system for editing.

Step 2: Editing Your Biography

  1. Click on the Edit Button:
    • To begin editing, click on the Edit button.
  2. Navigating the Biography Tabs:
    • Your biography will be divided into sections (tabs) on the left side, such as:
      • Main Details: Includes name, role, academic credentials, etc.
      • Research: For research information (if applicable).
      • Education: List degrees and institutions.
      • Other Sections: Job titles, contact info, profile image, etc.

Step 3: Making Changes

Main Details Section:

  1. Full Name:
    • Ensure that only your full name appears in the “Full Name” field.
    • The “First Name” and “Last Name” fields should be separated.
  2. Academic Credentials:
    • Add a Credential: Start typing the credential (e.g., PhD) and select it from the list that appears.
    • Remove a Credential: Don’t just delete the credential text—also remove the number in parentheses that appear next to it (this number is used internally by Drupal).
    • You can separate multiple credentials with commas (e.g., PhD, MMS).
  3. Job Titles and Affiliations:
    • Edit or Add a Title: Scroll down to the “Titles and Affiliations” section.
      • Each job title should be listed along with the associated department and school.
      • To add a new title, click Add Title and Affiliation.
      • To reorder titles, collapse each section and use the three dots on the right to adjust the order.
      • To remove a title, click the three dots and select Remove.
  4. Website Bios Section:
    • Do Not Edit: This section is managed by the system and dictates where your biography appears across university sites. Avoid making changes here.
  5. Contact Information:
    • Update your email, phone number, and any other contact details in the appropriate fields.
  6. Profile Image:
    • Edit or Add Image: Scroll to the Profile Image section.
      • To add or change your image, click Edit.
      • If you need to upload a new photo, click Choose File and select the new image from your computer.
      • Once uploaded, click Update Media Item.
      • Alternative Text: You must add alternative text (a description) for accessibility. For example, “John Smith headshot.”

Step 4: Save Your Changes

  1. Save Draft or Publish:
    • If you’re not ready to finalize your changes, click Save Draft to save your work for later.
    • When you’re ready to publish your changes, click Publish. This will update your biography across all websites where it appears.
  2. Confirm the Changes:
    • Once published, your biography will be updated on the School of Engineering website, as well as any other sites where it is referenced (e.g., Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Comprehensive Cancer Center).

Step 5: Additional Sections

You can also update additional sections in your biography, including:

  • Research Information
  • Awards and Honors
  • Professional Memberships

For tips on editing these sections, refer to the Editing Biographies Guide.

Important Reminders

  • Do not edit the Developer Use Only section at the bottom of your biography. This section is for the University Marketing and Communications team and should be left untouched to avoid unintentional changes to other sites.
  • For additional guidance, visit the Editing Biographies Guide on the CMS website under User Editing Guide.