
The Office of the Provost maintains a list of deadlines for faculty appointment processing, award nominations, promotion & tenure files, finance and more.
The following actions requiring approval by the Office of the Provost are submitted through Interfolio. A manager of faculty appointment matters for each school is responsible for submissions. Most actions have rolling deadlines, but some are required to be submitted by a certain date.
See a List of Requirements for All Actions
Actions that Require Approval by the Office of the Provost
- Appointment to the Faculty at Another Academic Institution
- Department Chair, Interim Chair or Acting Chair Appointment
- Emeritus Faculty Appointment
- Due April 1 for appointment July 1
- Due November 1 for appointment January 1
- Endowed Professorship Appointment
- See Board of Trustees timetable for deadline
- Extension of Pre-Tenure Period
- Faculty Appointment
- See Board of Trustees timetable for deadline
- Joint Faculty Appointment
- Leave of Absence
- Pre-Tenure Period Extension for Parenting
- Promotion to Assistant Professor or Senior Instructor
- Due April 15 for promotion July 1
- Due November 15 for promotion January 1
- Promotion to Associate Professor or Professor or Tenure
- T/TT due December 1
- NTT due January 15 for promotion July 1
- NTT due September 15 for promotion January 1
- Request for Transfer into the Tenure Track
- Sabbatical
- Secondary Appointments Across Schools
- Transfer of Faculty Appointment From One School to Another
- Verification of Credentials