Senior-level Promotions and/or Award of Tenure
Reviews for tenured/tenure track promotion to professor or associate professor and/or award of tenure occur on an annual cycle culminating with changes in rank or tenure status becoming effective on July 1. Reviews for non-tenure track promotion to professor or associate professor are conducted so that promotions can become effective on January 1 or July 1. All promotion and/or tenure files are submitted through Interfolio.
See Instructions for the Process
- September 15 – non-tenure track senior-level faculty files are submitted to the Office of the Provost for promotion effective the following January 1.
- December 1 – tenured/tenure track senior-level faculty files are submitted to the Office of the Provost for promotion/tenure effective the following July 1.
- January 15 – non-tenure track senior-level faculty files are submitted to the Office of the Provost for promotion effective the following July 1.
Junior-level Promotions
Reviews for promotion to senior instructor or assistant professor occur via a biannual review process that culminates on January 1 or July 1.
- November 15 – junior-level faculty files are submitted to the Office of the Provost for promotion effective the following January 1
- April 15 – junior-level faculty files are submitted to the Office of the Provost for promotion effective the following July 1