4 business majors on why they love CWRU

Students outside of PBL

What do future business leaders love about Case Western Reserve University? Our Weatherhead School of Management’s hands-on learning opportunities, friendships and more.

Why did you choose CWRU?

“I chose CWRU because of the programs that would let me pursue all of my passions, and the incredible business school.”

Jennifer Newton
Major: Business management
Minor: French

What experience have you gained in your field?

“In my role as an intern with Cleveland Owns, I built a financial system for a startup nonprofit called the Cleveland Solar Cooperative, wrote professional memos, created slide decks, designed logos, and facilitated and participated in meetings with nonprofit board members. It was a highly rewarding experience, and I learned a lot about how my accounting skills can apply to the nonprofit sector.”

Matthew Li
Major: Accounting
Minors: Economics and computer science

What are CWRU business students like?

“In the classroom, we are always helping each other and working together, which is actively encouraged from all professors. When I struggle with a concept in class, I have three or four friends who are always willing to help.”

Andrew Ford
Majors: Economics and political science
Minor: Public policy

What do you love about CWRU?

“CWRU gives you the space and flexibility to mold your college experience into what YOU want it to look like. I changed my major and career path two years into college. It was the best set of decisions that I have ever made, and I am still on track to graduate in four years.” 

Joy Mason
Major: Business Management
Minor: Psychology

Hear from more students about what led them to CWRU and how they describe their CWRU experiences.