Four truths and a lie: Andrea B.

Campus fountain

Let’s play a game—four truths and a lie about Case Western Reserve University sophomore Andrea Beltran.

  1. It’s pronounced Ahn-DRAY-uh.
  2. She’s studying international business and English and is a photographer in her free time.  That’s her work.
  3. You can meet her roommate here.
  4. She’s a triplet who went to high school in Canada and Saudi Arabia and whose family now resides in Texas. Her brother and sister are CWRU students, too. 
  5. She says, “A community is a place where you feel safe and where you feel that you can trust people. You feel validated, and you feel loved. I found that here.”

The lie: #2
Andrea’s majors are actually international business, English AND economics.

Get to know some of our students. You’ll like them. (No lie)