Master's Programs

The objective of our graduate programs in biomedical engineering at Case Western Reserve University is to educate biomedical engineers for careers in industry, academia, healthcare and government, and to advance research in biomedical engineering. We're committed to offering you a learning environment in which you can apply biomedical engineering methods to advance basic scientific discovery; integrate knowledge across the spectrum from basic cellular and molecular biology through tissue, organ, and whole-body physiology and pathophysiology; and to exploit this knowledge to design diagnostic and therapeutic technologies that improve human health.

Explore master's degree program offerings through the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Case Western Reserve University.

Master of Science in Engineering 

Provides breadth in biomedical engineering and biomedical sciences with depth in an engineering specialty. In addition, students are expected to develop the ability to work independently on a biomedical research or design project. Students can choose either thesis focused, project focused or course only. Learn more about the Master of Science in Engineering.

Master of Science in Engineering with Specialization

Translational Health Technology

This master's degree in biomedical engineering is designed to develop expertise in translating biomedical ideas into clinical implementation. This degree can be completed in one year for full-time students. This degree combines aspects of bioengineering, marketing, entrepreneurship, and bioregulatory affairs with ethics and experimental design. Learn more about the Master of Science in Engineering with a specialization in Translational Health Technology.

Master in Biomedical Engineering (Online)

Our online program is designed to provide students with depth and breadth in the field with core courses in the instrumentation and analysis fundamentals as well as physiology, and specialty courses in imaging, neural engineering and biomaterials. The degree will also provide significant depth in translational skills with courses in regulatory aspects of health technology, biodesign, engineering management and team projects. Discover more about the online degree in biomedical engineering. 

BS/MS Program

The integrated BS/MS program is intended for highly motivated and qualified undergraduate students who wish to pursue an advanced degree. Learn more about the integrated program. Find out more about the BS/MS program.

MD/MS Program

The MD/MS program is available to qualified medical students from the Case School of Medicine and the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University. Students in this program receive some credit for their medical school studies in completing the MS degree. See more about the MD/MS program.