Meet Our Alumni

Our alumni are doing amazing things!

Scroll to read more about what our alumni are doing after receiving an MS in Anatomy from the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine!

Zachary Frank

Zachary Frank

Prior Education: Purdue University
Hometown: Chardon, OH
Major: Chemical Engineering
Minor: Chemistry
Why I Chose MS in Anatomy at CWRU: As I progressed through my career in chemical engineering, I finally made the decision that medical school was something that I wanted to fully pursue. I decided to start looking for graduate programs where I could pursue subjects related to medical school and that would have opportunities nearby for clinical experience. I eventually heard about the MS in anatomy program at CWRU and was immediately interested. I grew up near Cleveland, and I knew CWRU was a highly regarded university. There is also an abundance of healthcare facilities in Cleveland, many of which are associated with CWRU. A couple things made the final decision to choose this program an easy one. There was a relatively small class size, so I knew I would be able to get to know my professors well and have a more personalized experience to learn and ask questions. Also, there are multiple opportunities in the program to work with the medical school.

My Future Plans: I was accepted and am currently attending the Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine at Ohio University. I can confidently say that attending this program has made a large contribution to my success so far in medical school. After taking the gross anatomy course in the MS program, I can focus on studying other subjects, and I have even been guiding and teaching my peers during our dissection labs and anatomy related courses. One thing that also surprised me, is how much the other courses in the program like neuroanatomy, histology, and even some elective courses have been relevant in my medical education. Everything about the anatomy program, including the structure, the passion that the professors put into their lessons, and the opportunities to personalize your experience make this program amazing.


Mark Gaied

Mark Gaied

Prior Education: Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences- Oakland University
Hometown: Detroit, MI
Major: Health Sciences- Pre physical therapy concentration
Minor: N/A
Why I Chose MS in Anatomy at CWRU: My story in choosing the MS in Anatomy at CWRU began when I failed my first anatomy laboratory during undergrad. At the time I was devastated, as anatomy is a really important class for a pre physical therapy students. I ended up retaking the class and becoming a teaching assistant for it. My teaching experience in undergrad sparked a passion for anatomy, and by the time I graduated, I was set on enhancing my knowledge of this foundational science. I chose the MS in Anatomy at CWRU because it was by far the most attractive program on the market. With highly skilled faculty involved in various research specialties, a virtual anatomy course using VR, a full- body dissection gross anatomy course, and multiple chances to apply your knowledge as a TA, choosing CWRU’s MS in Anatomy program was perhaps the easiest decision I have had to make in my academic career. Months after my graduation, I still benefit from the skills gained in this program. The faculty are amazing and are still a great resource after graduation. I am currently in PT school, and I find every anatomy class a breeze. I have been offered teaching jobs as an adjunct professor at several schools. CWRU’s MS in anatomy program helped turn a subject that was once my greatest weakness to a subject that is my greatest strength! 

My Future Plans: I am currently in PT school and I plan to practice as a clinician. My time at CWRU also inspired me to teach anatomy as an adjunct professor as well as get involved in research. My plan is to get a DPT/PHD dual degree so that I can be involved in research, teaching, and working with patients!

Danielle Gaddis, alum photo

Danielle Gaddis

Prior Education: Southern Nazarene University, BS
Hometown: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Major: Biology
Why I Chose MS in Anatomy at CWRU: Being adequately prepared for the flow and rigor of information in medical school was the main reason that I decided to attend this program. I wanted to earn a MS degree from a program that would prepare me mentally and cognitively for the high demands of medical school, and this program did just that. The material that is covered in this program is extremely high yield for the didactic years of medical school and prepared me greatly from my transition from graduate school to professional school.

My Future Plans: I am currently in my first year of medical school at Ohio University’s Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine. I credit the MS in Anatomy program at CWRU with the early success that I am experiencing here in Athens, OH. Upon graduation from medical school, I plan to complete an OB/GYN residency as well as a Maternal Fetal Health fellowship. The ultimate goal is to become a Maternal Fetal Specialist serving in an urban, underserved area.



Anatomy Alumni Elizabeth Hare

Elisabeth Hare

Prior Education: Franklin-Marshall College
Hometown: Cleveland, OH
Major: Cognitive Science
Why I Chose MS in Anatomy at CWRU: For my undergraduate experience, I wanted a more holistic education which is why I decided to go to a liberal arts college. During my years there, I realized my love for research! So, during my senior year of college I contemplated between applying to PhD programs and applying for jobs. As I was searching for a solution, I had a conversation with my mentor, and she was the one who told me about the MS in Anatomy. After much thought, it was the only program I had applied to because I thought highly of the CWRU’s School of Medicine, it was close to home, and my mentor really sold the program for me.

My Future Plans: In the future, I want to do a dual PhD/MD program because of my love of research. And I can confidently say that only after attending the program for a semester, I know it will prepare me well for any degree I decided to pursue afterwards. This past semester, I took Gross Anatomy and although it was a challenging, it most definitely was worthwhile. Honestly, I would recommend this program for those who are looking to teach, go for their PhD, or simply further their education in the health sciences. Everything about the program from the professors, to my peers, to becoming a TA, to the actual course material has been amazing.



Amber Jin alum photo

Amber Jin

Prior Education: Case Western Reserve University
Hometown: New York City, NY
Major: BS in Biology, pre-med. 
Why I Chose MS in Anatomy at CWRU: Towards the end of my undergraduate experience, I heavily considered taking a gap year to prepare for medical school. However I was informed about this program by one of my professors, and always kept it in the forefront of my mind. So, when it came time to make a decision about my life after graduation, I choose this program because I’ve always had an affinity for anatomy. During my undergraduate years, I took electives such as Osteology, Anatomy, and Vertebrae Biology which really solidified my interests towards anatomy.

After One Year in the Program: Fast forward a year into the program, although it’s a difficult and fast-paced program, I can say with confidence it was the best decision for me. I’ve learned so much, and have gained so much knowledge and experience. Starting this summer, I will have the opportunity to TA for Physician Assistant students and continue to TA for the first year anatomy students in the fall. Ultimately, the end goal for me is getting into medical school, and just after one year of this program I feel so much more prepared for it than before!