Marcie Lambrix, MA

Senior Research Associate
Department of Bioethics
School of Medicine
Adjunct Instructor
Department of Bioethics
School of Medicine
Bioethics Research Supervisor
Center for Biomedical Ethics
MetroHealth System
Clinical Ethicist
Center for Biomedical Ethics
MetroHealth System

Marcie Lambrix has been affiliated with Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) for two decades, with the majority of that time spent in the Department of Bioethics.  She currently serves as a Clinical Ethicist and Research Supervisor at MetroHealth's Center for Biomedical Ethics (CBME), a joint collaboration between MetroHealth System (MHS) and the Department of Bioethics at CWRU.  As a clinical ethicist, Marcie regularly attends clinical rounds in the ICUs, plans and helps facilitate community outreach programs focused on advance care planning, attends various interdisciplinary meetings, gives monthly talks at orientations for the correctional health care team, and serves as a liaison with the MHS privacy department. Marcie is involved in various ethics-based research projects at MHS, including a study on decision making in the Burn Unit.  She also helps to coordinate and run the monthly CBME Grand Rounds Series, "Bioethics@Noon," a virtual ethics educational series.  Finally, Marcie is a board member of the Bioethics Network of Ohio (BENO), and has been involved with planning and executing its annual conference for the last few years.

Marcie has an MA in Sociology from Cleveland State University.  She is currently "all but dissertation" in the Department of Sociology at CWRU.  She recently began attending classes toward a Certificate in Compliance and Risk Management, with a specialty in healthcare, at the CWRU School of Law.