
Picture of a male doctor and female colleague conversing in hallway

The Department's faculty, staff, and students engage in a wide range of empirical and normative scholarship, along with colleagues from across the country and around the world through collaborations that explore a range of problems around human health and well-being.


    As a multidisciplinary department, our work focuses on many themes and uses a variety of methods.  Areas of particular emphasis include:

    • Ethical and socially responsible scientific and genomic research
    • Clinical ethics across a range of care settings and the promotion of patients’ well-being 
    • Bioethics education
    Student Research Opportunities

    Our department provides students with a rich array of research opportunities designed to foster hands-on learning and skill development. Students can:

    - Work as research assistants for faculty members, gaining exposure to cutting-edge projects
    - Volunteer on ongoing research projects, contributing to meaningful studies
    - Participate in research training programs to acquire necessary tools and knowledge

    These diverse experiences empower our students to explore their passions, expand their knowledge, and prepare for successful careers in academia and beyond.


    Research-related events in the Department include:

    • Research Core Forums, a monthly meeting to discuss current work
    • Bioethics@Noon, the monthly seminar by the Center for Biomedical Ethics (CBME) at MetroHealth
    • UH Ethics Grand Rounds, a quarterly seminar by University Hospitals 
    • Research Skills seminars, introductions to research methods and skills for students

    Publications by faculty and staff may be found on: