Annual Teaching Awards

As part of our commitment to celebrating excellence in medical education, the Center for Medical Education at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine presents numerous annual teaching awards. Recipients of the following awards are recognized at the school’s annual education retreat. 

The Edmond S. Ricanati, MD Award in IQ Facilitation 

The Edmond S. Ricanati, MD Award in IQ Facilitation recognizes excellence in Case Inquiry (IQ) facilitation.  IQ is a student-centered, small group learning method implemented as the cornerstone in the School of Medicine's Western Reserve2 Curriculum.  

The 2024 awardees were:

  • Colleen M. Croniger, PhD
  • John A. Marino III, MD
  • Elizabeth A. Southworth, MD
  • Brian Liu (M4 Student)

The Tom Mettee, MD Foundations of Clinical Medicine Award

The Tom Mettee, MD Foundations of Clinical Medicine Award for exceptional contributions in teaching and mentoring has been given six times since its inception to a physician that we have felt deserving of this to honor Dr. Tom Mettee. It is a biennial award that involves a committee of faculty, students, and staff to review individuals recommended for consideration. The award is given out in even years, and won’t be given out again until 2026.

Past recipients included:

  • Joseph K. Daprano, MD, (2024) 
  • Lisa C. Navracruz, MD, FAAFP, AAHIVS (2022)
  • Michael Joshua Seidman, MD (2020)
  • Heidi Gullett, MD (2018)
  • Amitabh Goel, MD, FACS (2016)
  • Daniel Wolpaw, MD (2014)

Nominations Criteria 

Students, faculty, and staff may submit nominations.  Nominees must be CWRU faculty clinicians who work with Case medical students in outpatient clinical setting(s) in the pre-clerkship years, and who demonstrate exceptional contributions in teaching and mentoring as exemplified by Dr. Mettee:

  • Goes above and beyond expectations, committed to providing quality clinical teaching, feedback, mentorship in the pre-clerkship years (verified by quantity teaching hours).
  • Possesses a capacity for seeing the best qualities of the individual, helping them to see the best in themselves.
  • Models a strong patient-focused relationship for student(s) and team(s) throughout the outpatient medical community.
  • Promotes art of medicine through sustained, humanistic commitment to patients (e.g., hands on, creative, humorous).

Nominees must be preceptor(s) who have worked in one of the following pre-clerkship longitudinal programs: Community Patient-Care Preceptorship (CPCP), Outpatient- Longitudinal Clinical Skills Program (LCSP-Outpatient), MSTP Clinical Tutorial (completed prior to October 2021), Leroy A. Rogers, MD, Preceptorship Program, Jerome Kowal SAGE (Senior Advisors Geriatric Education) Program, Student-Run Health Clinic, or other clinical community sites and programs (≥ 3+ years). Does not include shadowing experiences.

IMPORTANT: Previous award recipients cannot be nominated, but they are invited and encouraged to participate in the selection process after their award cycle is complete. The selection committee includes a minimum of two students and two non-nominated faculty.  

Dr. Tom Mettee was truly an exemplar in so many ways. He was the ultimate family physician, dedicated to his patients and their families in the most unique and devoted manner. He was a role model for medical students who would shadow him, do a preceptorship with him or who were in need of clinical mentoring. Tom had incredible charisma and charm that did not escape anyone who came in his midst. His devotion, thoroughness of care, memory and respect for personal stories was not lost on anyone. He loved to teach students. He always taught by modeling and by asking questions. He never lectured. He adored helping his students learn through discovery and rewarded their curiosity with his warm accolades and wonderful humor.

The 2024/2025 Top Trainee Teachers 

Top Trainee Teachers recognized by the academic community include:

  • Sofia Chinchilla, MD, PGY3 - Emergency Medicine, University Hospitals 
  • J. Richard Dowd, DO, PGY3 - Emergency Medicine, University Hospitals
  • Sam Hertz, MD, PGY3 - Emergency Medicine, University Hospitals 
  • Erik Lars Risa, MD, PGY2 - General Surgery, University Hospitals 
  • Shoji Shimizu, MD, PGY6 - Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine MetroHealth
  • Garrett Sovellle, MD, PGY3 - Pediatrics, University Hospitals  
  • Emily Simon, MD, PGY2 - General Surgery, University Hospitals
  • Juan D. Valdes Infante, MD, PGY3 - Emergency Medicine, University Hospitals 
  • Carolyn Vekstein, MD, PGY2 - Pediatrics, University Hospitals 

The Kaiser-Permanente Excellence in Teaching Award 

The Kaiser-Permanente Excellence in Teaching Award honors four members of the medical school faculty in recognition of excellence in teaching. Funded by the Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, this award celebrates the high value of teaching at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and is presented to two pre-clinical and two clinical faculty members from the university and college programs each year at commencement.

Teaching excellence involves more than energy and intellectual excellence. The physician has a lifetime obligation to continuously question and learn how to best care for their patients. Some teachers carry this responsibility with exceptional seriousness and grace. The best teachers help the students to do the same. The most valued teacher may be one whose approach or attitude is so perceptive that, confronted with a difficult situation, the student has a recurring image of this teacher in reflective consultation. They may be memorable because they inspire other teachers or because they inspire our students to lead careers that exemplify medicine’s most enduring values.

Nominations are usually due in late winter and announced at the Annual Education Retreat in May. The most important supporting evidence will be statements from past and present students of the nominated person and from fellow faculty members. Previous award recipients cannot be nominated.  

Nominations are requested by March 1 of each year via this nomination form

The 2024 Kaiser Winners were:

  • Tawna Mangosh
  • Emily Steinhagen 
  • Michael Faulx
  • Richard Cartabuke