Faculty and Staff

The Case Center for Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism includes leading faculty members from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and its affiliated health systems within Cleveland’s healthcare hub, such as University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center. 

The center strives to be home to multidisciplinary faculty interested in all areas of research relating to diabetes, obesity and metabolism, including:

  • Physiology and pathophysiology
  • Genetics
  • Clinical and translational research
  • Drugs and device innovations
  • Behavioral and population health and health disparities

Meet Our Team


  • Portrait of Stan Gerson in dark suit with light colored tie

    Stanton L. Gerson, MD

    School of Medicine
    Senior Vice President for Medical Affairs
    National Center for Regenerative Medicine
    Department of Medicine
    Department of Environmental Health Sciences
    Immune Oncology Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Email: stanton.gerson@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.2825

  • Betul Hatipoglu

    Betul Hatipoglu, MD

    Case Center for Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism
    Diabetes and Obesity Center
    University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
    School of Medicine

    Email: betul.hatipoglu@case.edu

  • Portrait of Robert A. Salata, MD

    Robert Salata, MD

    Department of Medicine
    School of Medicine
    Population and Cancer Prevention Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center
    Center for Global Health and Diseases
    School of Medicine

    Email: robert.salata@uhhospitals.org

Core Faculty

  • Betul Hatipoglu

    Betul Hatipoglu, MD

    Case Center for Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism
    Diabetes and Obesity Center
    University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
    School of Medicine

    Email: betul.hatipoglu@case.edu

  • Portrait of Elaine Borawski

    Elaine A. Borawski, PhD

    Angela Bowen Williamson Professor of Community Nutrition
    Department of Nutrition
    Prevention Research Center for Healthy Neighborhoods
    School of Medicine
    Vice Chair for Applied Research
    Department of Nutrition
    School of Medicine
    Faculty Lead
    Community and Collaboration Component
    Clinical and Translational Science Collaborative
    School of Medicine
    Population and Cancer Prevention Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Email: elaine.borawski@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.1024

  • Julia Blanchette

    Julia Blanchette, PhD, RN

    Assistant Professor, Medicine
    School of Medicine
    Nurse Scientist
    Division of Endocrinology
    University Hospitals
    Diabetes Care and Education Specialist
    Center for Diabetes and Obesity
    University Hospitals

    Email: julia.blanchette@case.edu

    Phone: 216.286.8172

  • Mark Brown

    Jonathan Mark Brown, PhD

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Molecular Medicine
    School of Medicine
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Nutrition
    School of Medicine
    Molecular Oncology Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Email: brownm5@ccf.org

    Phone: 216.444.8340

Organizing Committee

  • Betul Hatipoglu

    Betul Hatipoglu, MD

    Case Center for Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism
    Diabetes and Obesity Center
    University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
    School of Medicine

    Email: betul.hatipoglu@case.edu

  • Portrait of Elaine Borawski

    Elaine A. Borawski, PhD

    Angela Bowen Williamson Professor of Community Nutrition
    Department of Nutrition
    Prevention Research Center for Healthy Neighborhoods
    School of Medicine
    Vice Chair for Applied Research
    Department of Nutrition
    School of Medicine
    Faculty Lead
    Community and Collaboration Component
    Clinical and Translational Science Collaborative
    School of Medicine
    Population and Cancer Prevention Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Email: elaine.borawski@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.1024

  • Portrait of Robert A. Salata, MD

    Robert Salata, MD

    Department of Medicine
    School of Medicine
    Population and Cancer Prevention Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center
    Center for Global Health and Diseases
    School of Medicine

    Email: robert.salata@uhhospitals.org

  • Grace McComsey

    Grace McComsey, MD

    Vice President
    University Hospitals Health System
    Associate Chief Scientific Officer
    University Hospitals Health System
    Pediatrics and Medicine
    School of Medicine
    Division of Infectious Diseases
    UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital

    Email: grace.mccomsey@case.edu

    Phone: 2168445936

  • Mark Brown

    Jonathan Mark Brown, PhD

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Molecular Medicine
    School of Medicine
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Nutrition
    School of Medicine
    Molecular Oncology Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Email: brownm5@ccf.org

    Phone: 216.444.8340

  • Kenneth E. Remy

    Kenneth E. Remy, MD, FCCM

    Blood, Heart, Lung and Immunology Research Center
    School of Medicine
    Associate Professor
    School of Medicine
    Director, Pulmonary and Critical Care Research
    Co-Director, Pediatric Critical Care Clinical, Basic & Translational Research Program
    Host Immune Response-Remy Laboratory
    The Ellery Sedgwick, Jr. Chair and Distinguished Scientist in Cardiovascular Research

    Email: kenneth.remy@case.edu

    Phone: 216.799.0195

Workshop Moderators

  • Robert Bonomo Headshot

    Robert A. Bonomo, MD

    Department of Medicine
    School of Medicine
    Department of Pharmacology
    School of Medicine
    Department of Molecular Biology and Microbiology
    School of Medicine
    Cleveland Center for Membrane & Structural Biology
    School of Medicine

    Email: robert.bonomo@med.va.gov

    Phone: 216.791.3800

  • Shari Bolen, MD

    Shari D. Bolen, MD, MPH

    Associate Professor
    Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences
    School of Medicine
    Population Health Sciences
    Center for Health Care Research and Policy

    Email: shari.bolen@case.edu

    Phone: 216.778.5359

Additional Faculty and Staff

  • Revital Gorodeski-Baskin

    Revital Gorodeski-Baskin, MD

    Assistant Professor
    School of Medicine
    Medical Director
    Obesity Program
    UH Diabetes and Obesity Center
    Diabetes & Metabolism
    Cleveland Clinic

    Phone: 216.844.2152

  • Yumiko Tsushima

    Yumiko Tsushima, MD

    Assistant Professor
    School of Medicine
    UH Diabetes and Obesity Center

    Email: yumiko.tsushima@case.edu

    Phone: 216.294.2060

  • David Buchner

    David Buchner, PhD

    Associate Professor
    Department of Genetics and Genome Sciences
    School of Medicine

    Email: david.buchner@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.1816

  • Michaela Broadnax

    Research Assistant
    School of Medicine

  • Portrait of Mahmoud Ghannoum

    Mahmoud Ghannoum, PhD

    Department of Dermatology
    School of Medicine
    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine
    Molecular Oncology Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Email: mahmoud.ghannoum@case.edu

    Phone: 216.844.8580

  • Guiming Liu

    Guiming Liu, PhD

    Associate Professor
    Department of Surgery
    MetroHealth Medical Center
    Research Faculty
    Department of Surgery
    MetroHealth Medical Center

    Email: guiming.liu@case.edu

  • Janice X. Harris

    Janice X. Harris

    Patient Navigator III
    University Hospitals of Cleveland
    Milestones Program Assistant
    University Hospitals of Cleveland

    Phone: 216.286.9734

  • Kim Priban

    Kim Priban, DNP

    Digestive Health Institute
    University Hospitals of Cleveland

    Phone: 216.844.5661

  • Erika L. Lundgrin

    Erika Lundgrin, MD

    Assistant Professor
    School of Medicine
    Adult and Pediatric Endocrinologist
    Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital
    University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
    Pediatric Endocrinologist
    UH Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital

    Email: erika.lundgrin@case.edu

  • Ian J. Neeland

    Ian J. Neeland, MD

    Cardiovascular Prevention
    University Hospitals Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute
    Center for Integrated and Novel Approaches in Vascular-Metabolic Disease
    University Hospitals Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute
    Associate Professor
    School of Medicine
    Clinical and Translational Investigator
    National Institutes of Health

    Email: ian.neeland@case.edu

  • Image of Nora Nock.

    Nora Nock, PhD, PE

    Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences
    School of Medicine
    Associate Professor
    Department of Medicine
    School of Medicine
    Population and Cancer Prevention Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center
    School of Medicine

    Email: nora.nock@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.5653

  • Susheel P. Patil

    Susheel P. Patil, MD

    Sleep Medicine Program
    University Hospitals of Cleveland
    Clinical Associate Professor
    School of Medicine

    Email: sxp64@case.edu

    Phone: 216.844.7378

  • Head shot of Catherine McManus smiling while standing outdoors.

    Catherine Rogers McManus, PhD, RDN, LD

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Nutrition
    School of Medicine
    Vice Chair for Education
    Department of Nutrition
    School of Medicine

    Email: catherine.rogers@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.2501

  • Martha Sajatovic

    Martha Sajatovic, MD

    Department of Psychiatry
    School of Medicine
    Director of the Geropsychiatry Program
    Neurological and Behavioral Outcomes Center
    University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center

    Email: martha.sajatovic@case.edu

    Phone: 216.844.2808

  • Image of headshot of David Wilson

    David L. Wilson, PhD

    Robert J. Herbold Professor of Biomedical Engineering
    Department of Biomedical Engineering
    Case School of Engineering, School of Medicine
    Department of Radiology
    School of Medicine
    Cancer Imaging Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Email: david.wilson@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.4099