How to be a successful student at CWRU

Successful students frequently mention setting goals when they’re asked how they do so well in college. However, reaching their goals doesn’t just happen. These students make plans to accomplish their goals. Here are some tips for setting goals during your first year at CWRU.

  • Write it down. Seeing your goals helps you set realistic plans. Be creative during this process. List everything without worrying if your goals are worthy ones. Any time is a good time to write down your goals, but it’s especially important to establish some goals at the beginning of the academic year.
  • Prioritize. Decide which goals are crucial, then think about what you need to do to accomplish your revised list of goals. Sometimes it’s helpful to break a larger goal into several smaller steps. Giving yourself action items and deadlines along the way can also be a helpful way to keep yourself on track, especially with larger goals when you’re the one holding yourself accountable.
  • Talk about it. You might find it helpful to discuss your goals with important people in your life, including campus mentors, faculty members, your navigator, friends and family. Whomever you go to should be a good listener. Discussing your goals will help you sort out what’s really important to you.
  • Review. Set aside time each month to take stock of how much you have accomplished toward meeting your goals. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you haven’t made much progress. Sometimes your plan changes because your perspective changes. Adjust your plan to reflect your new outlook.