Exploring Education Abroad at CWRU

Case Western Reserve’s Office of Education Abroad works with students on bespoke study abroad experiences. These can vary from long-term experiences that can span a semester or academic year, to short-term, faculty-led courses offered over a school break or during the summer.  

Explore the possibilities through the program search and start thinking about where you'd like to travel and your areas of focus while you're abroad.  You can begin the planning process by meeting with a Study Abroad Advisor or attending a drop-in advising session in the Office of Education Abroad.  About studying abroad and making the most of your CWRU experience, Sunniva Collins, associate dean of professional programs for the Case School of Engineering says:

“You are about to embark on a great adventure. Start to research where you might like to go for a study abroad experience! Visit your local library for books on the history, geography and culture of a country you are interested in knowing more about. Brush up on your language skills with an app like DuoLingo or Babel. And definitely make sure that you have a passport and that it is up to date!”