About the Program
The current higher educational landscape has seen increases in the number of faculty who have partners who are also faculty members. With that in mind, Case Western Reserve University has instituted a program that acknowledges the reality of dual-academic careers as a part of its recruitment ecosystem.
Support Opportunities
Eligible accompanying academic partners who become a candidate for a position (fixed term or tenure track) must be appointed through the regular university hiring processes—an existing open line need not exist, but the position must fit within the unit’s budget. In most cases, salary and benefits costs will be split among:
- The unit which appoints the accompanying academic partner
- The unit which appoints the recruited faculty appointee
- The Office of the Provost
If the academic partner is to be employed in the unit of the recruited faculty member, then the Provost will provide up to one-half the salary and benefits of the partner—the hiring unit will provide the other half of salary and benefits. Start-up costs will normally be the responsibility of the unit that hires the academic partner.
The salary funding for the position to which the accompanying academic partner is appointed will be provided for three years.
Accessing Support
A request for funds must be made in writing to the Provost by the dean(s) of the 1) unit that will house the “recruited faculty appointee,” as well as the 2) unit housing the accompanying academic partner. For complete details, access the Program Guide below.
**Note: Best practices urge the names of individuals hired through the program be kept confidential, so as to promote an environment of inclusion and equity.
With each of these programs, requests come from the deans as opportunities emerge, and may or may not be part of their three-year Faculty Resource Plans. The timeline is open and requests are received on a rolling basis until funds for the fiscal year (starting July 1) are expended. All standard appointment documents will be required for partner hires. A special intake process for partner hire proposals is available via Box. As with all faculty hiring processes, the Faculty Search Process should be followed.
Members of the faculty should work with their chairs to identify departmental needs and strategic opportunities. Timing is unique to each school, and chairs should coordinate with their deans to fully understand the process and timelines, communicating the process back to members of the faculty.
Chairs and program directors should work with their deans to identify the timing of requests as well as the format in which to submit the information. This information should be communicated back to the faculty.
Deans should work with the Provost on their annual three-year Faculty Resource Plans and potential ideas for hires. For the targeted hires, deans should submit their prescribed proposals when ready. When all school-based processes are developed, including how deans wish to manage requests for targeted hires, these should be clearly communicated to chairs, program directors and faculty. Any requests sent directly to the Provost's Office will not be reviewed and will be sent back to the deans.