Funding and Fundraising
Each student pays an additional fee on top of tuition, called the Student Activities Fee, to support undergraduate extracurricular and social activities. USG/UDC receive a portion of the Student Activities Fee in order to support the student organizations they recognize. The Finance Committees distribute these funds and tries to ensure an fairness and efficiency.
While the Finance Committees strive for consistency, a number of factors must be considered. The USG budget and available funds can fluctuate based on enrollment and the amount of money spent by organizations in the previous semester. Also, student organization requests vary greatly from semester to semester.
Learn more about USG funding guidelines and financial resources
The Process
Funding occurs on a semester basis and any recognized organization can request funding. The funding process is broken down into two parts:
Mass Funding
Starting the tenth week of the semester and ending the eleventh, groups submit their funding requests for the following semester.
- Submit Requests on CampusGroups.
- Review Funding. Once all requests are in, the Finance Committee will review the requests and allocate funds. Organizations will be notified by the 13th week of the semester.
- Committee Appeals. If an organization isn't satisfied with the funding they receive, they may appeal the decision to the committee. This consists of a short presentation from the group to the committee about why you feel the decision should be changed. Please note: Appeals are not guaranteed.
- USG General Assembly Appeals. If an organization is still not satisfied after the committee appeals, they may appeal to the entire USG General Assembly. This consists of a short speech before the General Assembly about why the decision needs to be changed.
Rolling Funding
Funding also occurs throughout the semester for events and needs during the current semester. Up to the tenth week of the semester, organizations can request additional funding not provided during the previous Mass Funding.
- Submit Requests on CampusGroups.
- Review Funding. The Finance Committee reviews requests at weekly meetings and organizations are notified of the decision.
- Committee Appeals. If an organization isn't satisfied with the funding they receive, they may appeal the decision to the committee. This consists of a short presentation from the group to the committee about why you feel the decision should be changed. Please note: Appeals are not guaranteed.
- USG General Assembly Appeals. If an organization is still not satisfied after the committee appeals, they may appeal to the entire USG General Assembly. This consists of a short speech before the General Assembly about why the decision needs to be changed.
Funding Guidelines
The funding guidelines outline the types of allocations that the Finance Committee frequently makes. They represent the typical allocation decision made by the committee and do not guarantee any funding outcome. Any expense not covered by the guidelines will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis with special attention to other policies.
Semester Funding
These are expenses that aren't tied to a specific date or event, but relate to the functioning of the organization.
Membership dues
Membership in a national, state, or local organization that the group is affiliated with should be funded. These are membership dues for an organization, not individuals.
These are items that will kept and used for multiple events. Example include: sports equipment, performance uniforms, and tools. The group must provide plan for secure storage of capital, so the items are not lost, damaged, or stolen.
On-Campus Events and Activities
These are expenses for events and activities held on-campus that further to purpose of the organization.
- General event - These are common events organizations hold. Examples include social gatherings, speaker events, picnics/barbeques, and public awareness rallies. These are 90% of the events on campus. These include food, drink, Speaker honorarium, advertising , for example. Specific amounts are available through the guideline links
- Large event - Usually over 75 students attend large events and they commonly attract campus-wide attention.
- Fundraiser - Fundraising is encouraged by the committee and seed money for costs may be funded.
- Performance - These are events which showcase members' talents and entertain the campus. Depending on the size of the production, funding may range up to several thousand dollars.
- Community service - Activities provide a service or assistance to the community in an on-campus setting. While community service is encouraged, they are typically not costly and are funded for less. No direct donations to an organization will be funded.
- Retreats - Retreats are extended on-campus organizational development events meant to strengthen and bring together the membership.
- Meeting - These can be a general body meeting or other widely attended, regularly scheduled meeting. Meetings are rarely funded, but if the meeting(s) is central to the organization's operation, some funds are available
- Hosting a Competition or Conference - Hosting other schools involves many considerations.
Off-Campus Events and Activities
These are expenses for events and activities that are off-campus and require special transportation. A higher level of scrutiny is used. All events must be critical to the functioning of the organization or further their primary purpose.
- Transportation - As-needed basis. Van rental, bus charter. Gas subsidy for extended trips (duration and distance) may be funded. Airfare may be funded only under extreme circumstances.
- Competitions - Activities include participation in a competition with similar organizations. Examples include Model UN, Mock Trial, Fencing Club, or College Trivia competitions.
- Transportation – as-needed basis
- Lodging – as-needed basis
- Fees – as-needed basis
- Conferences - Attendance and participation in a conference is aimed at developing the organization by connecting and learning from similar organizations. They are rarely funded and only under special circumstances.
- Transportation – as-needed basis
- Lodging – as-needed basis
- Food and drinks – not funded
- Fees – as-needed basis
- Community Service - Activities provide a service or assistance to the community in an off-campus setting. No direct donations to an organization will be funded. Priority is given to Cleveland-area locations.
- Transportation – low priority funding, as-needed basis, CECL vans available for free.
- Materials – funded
- Recreational - These are fun and social activities off-campus. Examples include ski trips, rock climbing, or wilderness adventure trips.
- Transportation – as-needed basis
- Lodging – as-needed basis
- Equipment – as-needed basis
- Food and drinks – not funded
- Fees – as-needed basis
Rules and Criteria
Each proposal is evaluated on its merits and taken on a case-by-case basis. However, these are the policies the Finance Committee uses as guidelines to help them make tough decisions. These also help make decisions consistent and fair.
General Criteria
The group's specific request is reviewed based on a number of factors including, but not limited to funding that will:
- Interest the student body at large;
- Educate and inform the student body;
- Encourage a welcoming and understanding environment among students;
- Aid humanitarian and community service causes; and
- Promote the University and its students.
Central to the Organization
Does the request fund an expense critical to the effective functioning of the organization? Is the primary purpose of the organization furthered by the event or expense?
Prohibited Items
The USG Finance Committee will not fund the following expenses under any circumstances:
- Student salaries
- Prizes to students
- Fines or cancellation fees
- Plastic water bottles
- Any item available at the Sparta Center
- Direct donations*
- Alcohol*
- Illegal items, weapons, etc.
- Food, event fees, etc. for non-CWRU undergraduates*
- T-shirts/apparel*
- Prizes, trophies,gift cards, awards, giveaways, etc*
*can be purchased with fundraised money
Prohibited Times
Expenses occurring at certain times of the year will not be covered, however exceptions can be made under certain circumstances. Expenses during these times are not funded.
- Before Orientation Week
- After commencement/over the summer
- Fall break, Thanksgiving break, winter break, spring break
The History and Background of a Group
The Finance Committee audits the spending of organizations on a periodic basis. Preference is given to groups that spend their funds efficiently and effectively. Annual or previously held events are also given special attention.
Date, Time, Location, and Expected Attendance
These lines on the funding form must be filled out for an event to be funded, even if they are preliminary. However, an organization must update the committee if the date or location of an event changes.
Rank Priority
Every organization must prioritize their funding requests in rank order, from most important to least important. Greater consideration will be given to top ranked requests, but funding is not guaranteed, nor are lower ranked requests ignored.
Itemization and Detail
Preference is given to requests that itemize their expenses according to the funding guidelines, but provide additional detail and further itemization where necessary. Itemize and provide more information whenever in doubt. Entire event budgets, not just funding requests should be submitted for large events. Also, additional sources of funding for club must be listed.
An organization that fundraises its own money is viewed favorably. Student Organizations will have a separate fundraising income through CampusGroups to account for funds raised.
Reporting of External Funding
All organizations must report all funding from external sources, including the University, Department of Student Affairs, donors, professional organizations, etc. Reporting must be done during mass funding. Any organization that does not report external sources of funding may have funding or recognition privileges revoked.
We strongly encourage organizations to fundraise, so they are less dependent on USG/UDC for income. When a group makes the extra effort to fundraise, it shows dedication and resourcefulness. It doesn't go unnoticed when deciding on funding.
There is assistance available in the Student Activities & Leadership office when developing a fundraising project. From the creation of a proposal to connecting to the proper administrators, all of the steps to successfully raising funds will be covered. Contact Kristin Nauman for assistance.
Fundraising Ideas
- "Welcome to School" kits
- Art contest
- "Exam Care" packages
- Dunk booth
- Karaoke contest
- T-Shirts sales
- Singing telegrams
- Flower sales
- Raffles
- Dance-a-thon
- Pie-in-the-face
- Pumpkin carving contest
- Poetry night
- Spaghetti dinner
- Buttons/bumper stickers sales
Deposits and Accounts
All student organizations must deposit all of their cash/checks. An organization is not allowed to hold funds in a bank account or other manner. The fundraised and deposited funds can be spent however the organization decides, as long as the use does not violate any policies of the Student Code of Conduct. The deposited funds are kept separate from USG funds and are kept intact from semester to semester.
Funds must be deposited with the Student Activities & Leadership Office. Please contact Kristin Nauman at 216.368.2679 or via email at to coordinate a meeting time to make a deposit.
If you need to know your organization's account balance, contact one of the organization's officers who can ascertain this information through CampusGroups.
Important Dates and Deadlines
Undergraduate Student Government (USG)
General Assembly (GA) Meetings
Every other Tuesday, 7:00 PM. Check our list of upcoming events on CampusGroups for exact dates.
Financial Dates
Rolling Funding
Available on a first come, first served basis.
Event | Fall 2022 Dates |
Round 1 Opening | August 29th, 2022 |
Round 1 Closing/Round 2 Opening |
October 28th, 2022 |
Spring 2023 Mass Funding
Event | Fall 2022 Dates |
Requests Begin | October 1st, 2022 |
All Requests Due (11:59 PM) | November 18th, 2022 |
Mass Funding Review | November 19th, 2022 |
Appeals due to Executive Committee | November 26th, 2022 |
General Assembly Appeals (7:00 PM) | TBD |
Undergraduate Diversity Collaborative (UDC)
Diversity Leaders Roundtable (DLR) Meetings
All Meetings are held on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM. Location will be announced. Check our list of upcoming events on CampusGroups for locations.
Financial Dates
Rolling Funding
Event | Dates |
Rolling Funding Opens | First day of class |
Rolling Funding Closes | Last day of class |
Mass Funding
Event | For Fall 2022 | For Spring 2023 |
Requests Begin | TBA | |
All Requests Due (11:59 PM) | TBA | |
Mass Funding Review | TBA | |
Appeals due to Finance Committee | TBA | |
Appeals Meetings | TBA |
Disbursements and Payments
Disbursement Methods
Check Reimbursement
Organizations are allowed to spend out-of-pocket money and then be reimbursed. You must keep your receipt or have some type of proof of purchase. The group's treasurer must turn in the itemized receipt with all the items purchased clearly listed on CampusGroups. They must also provide the 7 digit ID number of the individual being reimbursed or the disbursement cannot be processed.
Students are allowed to sign up for a CDEP card during a specific sign-up period. These cards are to be used by the name holder only. Violation of this could result in a suspension of this privilege. Application periods and links are publicized by the VP of Finance.
Purchase Card
There is a credit card available for use if the purchase can be made by phone or over the internet. Please schedule a meeting with someone in the Student Activities & Leadership Office in advance. Proof of purchase, an invoice or print out, must be provided and the exact amount charged to the card placed in CampusGroups and emailed to Rachel Stegemann ( If the group is using Amazon and the Purchase Card, they must use the SA&L Amazon account for ease of tracking purchases.
University Account Transfer
If you're paying another CWRU department, organization, please indicate the group, department, or speedtype and the transfer will be made. If being billed by another department and they will transfer the money automatically, you must still fill out a disbursement.
External Vendor/Service Payment
Include pay-to information and accompany with CWRU contract. If the vendor has not worked with the university before, they will need to fill out a Supplier Informaiton Form, including their Tax Identification Number or their Social Security Number. This form and instructions can be found on the Procurement website.
A University approved template has been developed to streamline the process for student organizations. If a service provider has a different contract they would like you to use, please work with your advisor or SA&L staff.
Form Fillable Student Organization Contract Template
We recommend only a President or Treasurer.
Student should complete the checklist created via CampusGroups; they will attend a training and pass a quiz via Campus Groups in order to assist them.
Vendors often want to use their own contracts. Your organization will be encouraged to use the template but may not be able to. In this case, the contract that is issued must be reviewed by the student and their advisor prior to signing the contract.
An organization can sign a contract for up to $10,000.
Any student who signs a contract is doing so on behalf of an organization. The organization is responsible for what is laid out in the contract.
You have several options. The first option is paying with your CDEP or an advisor issued PCard. The other option is by check. If you are paying by check, the signed contract will need to be issued through the requisition process for payment. This takes at least 10 business days to process.
Yes, if submitted in a timely manner (at least 10 business days in advance) you may pick up your check on the day prior to the event from the Cashier's Office in Yost.
Yes, if you are paying by check and entering the contract into the requisition process, the vendor will need to be in the system or added through filling out the new supplier form.
Yes. If the group agrees to pay the deposit and is aware of the terms of the deposit, groups can pay that with a CDEP or a PCard.
If a student is signing the contract on behalf of an organization Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) should not be listed on the contract unless it is to denote a location of an event.
There may be times where due to the nature or risk of the contract that it may be best for CWRU to be named as the contracting party instead of a student group. In such circumstances, the university would process the contract. In these scenarios it is best to consult with your advisor or SA&L staff to determine the best course of action.
General Purchasing Updates
Student organizations are encouraged to utilize their CDEP cards as often as possible. When a CDEP is not possible, please contact your advisor or designee with a PCard to make a purchase.
If the purchase is approved, organizations may spend up to $10,000 on a single purchase for a PCard purchase or up to the available funds on the CDEP card.
No, all purchases made with AGY funds are now subject to tax.
No, you can not purchase gift certificates with CDEPs or PCards. To purchase a gift certificate, student groups will need to put the appropriate request in through their advisor or financial process for the purchase to be made through CWRU’s internal “Smart Cart” system.
If you have individuals coming to campus that are not affiliated with the university and will need parking passes for them, please put in a request with your advisor or the SA&L Business Manager - you will need your organization name, the number and timing of tickets needed and organization speedtype to request parking tickets.
A Chaser Tickets Parking Validation Request form will need to be filled out and tickets can be purchased in packs of 10 with the following denominations:
Validation Time | Price per Ticket | Cost per 10 Pack |
1 Hr | $2 | $20 |
2 Hrs | $6 | $60 |
3 Hrs | $8 | $80 |
4+ Hrs | $10 | $100 |
Tickets can take up to 2 weeks to be approved and made available for pick up.
No. You no longer need to go through catering if you are purchasing food over $500.
Yes, you must follow building policies when it comes to caterers that can be used.
Food Truck Procedure
Food trucks are permitted on/near campus for your event if that food truck is current on all paperwork. For a food truck to be permitted at your event you will need to obtain a copy of the Mobile Food License from each truck. This license is obtained by each truck through a process from the City of Cleveland Division of Assessments.
If they do not have this before the event, the truck will have to obtain the paperwork from the City of Cleveland. It typically takes 4-8 weeks to receive this document from the city, so if you do plan enough ahead of time it is possible that the truck can obtain this before your event. Please note: These expire April 15th of each year, so if you are looking at food trucks for an end of the year event each truck must have an up to date mobile food license.
Food trucks can be paid with a CDep or PCard if the truck takes a card. If they would prefer a check you can work with your advisor/treasurer to go through the requisition process. You may request a check to pick up prior to the event to hand to the vendor the day of the event.
If the food truck would like a contract, groups are encouraged to utilize the Club Service Agreement.
Location of Trucks:
Food trucks should remain on city streets unless granted permission to have it on a campus space by that space’s reservation coordinator. It is recommended that trucks be parked on East Blvd in front of Freiberger Field or East Bell Commons. Please note, a truck may not be parked within 100 feet of any building that serves food.
To reserve street parking the meters on the street must be bagged the night prior to your event. Please reach out to Shawn Weingart ( at least two weeks in advance so that he can make arrangements for the spaces to be reserved. Please be specific as to where the truck(s) will be parked.