Registration, Abstract Submission, Presentation Submission and Information

Helpful Guides and Registration

Event Information

The Undergraduate Research Office will host Spring Intersections on Friday, April 18 in Veale Convocation, Recreation, and Athletic Center. 

Who Should Register?

Any CWRU undergraduate student participating in faculty-mentored research and/or creative projects is eligible to register. Research can be at any stage of the process, from initial exploration to final findings.

Important Dates

  1. Registration Opens: Monday, February 10, 2025
  2. Capstone Registration Form Deadline: Friday, March 7, 2025
  3. Abstract Submission Deadline: Sunday, March 23, 2025
  4. Non-Capstone Registration and Abstract Submission Deadline: Sunday, March 23, 2025
  5. Event Date: Friday, Apr 18, 2025

If you have any questions about participating in Intersections, please email

Before You Register

  • Inform your faculty project mentor and Principal Investigator (PI) (if different) that you plan to present at Intersections, hosted by the Undergraduate Research Office.
  • Your PI must approve your abstract before you can participate (Note: the PI is the primary grant recipient, not a graduate student, post-doc, or research staff).
  • Attend the Intersections Registration Q&A on Friday, February 28, 3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.  Zoom link available on campus groups.

Registration Process

The Intersections registration is now live on CampusGroups. Please review the Registration Process and Information prior to registering.

If you have any questions, check the Registration Process and Information document as well as the Intersections FAQs and then email

A completed registration consists of submitting both the online form and the faculty mentor-approved Abstract (formatted according to the Abstract Guidelines below).  

Register for Intersections

Abstract Guidelines

Additional Notes Regarding Intersections

  1. The Undergraduate Research Office will inform presenters of their poster numbers on or by Tuesday, April 15.  
  2. Intersections Presenters only need to bring their posters. The Undergraduate Research Office will provide an easel, a board to hang the poster, and clips.  

Have another question about Intersections? Consult our list of frequently asked questions about Intersections!

Faculty Mentor (Principal Investigator) Approval

Undergraduate research is always faculty mentored. Most undergraduate researchers' faculty mentors are the Principal Investigator who is the faculty member who "owns" the research, oversees the lab, hires the Post Docs, etc. The Undergraduate Research Office must know that the Principal Investigator approves of your plan to present your project at Intersections. We know this when your Principal Investigator approves your abstract.

CWRU students need not have conducted the research on the Case Western Reserve campus to present at Intersections (e.g. students who want to present their summer research). The research must have been done when students were undergraduates and not prior to your college enrollment. Presenters must provide the name, institution and email of the non-CWRU mentor (and PI if different) with whom they worked. The project mentor (or PI if different) must approve the research presentation by approving the abstract submission.

Project Mentor/PI Instructions for Approving Abstracts