Fill Stations

Fill Station

Bottle fill stations play a vital role in reducing plastic waste by encouraging the use of reusable water bottles. They promote sustainable hydration, provide access to clean, filtered water, and support both environmental protection and personal health by minimizing reliance on single-use plastic bottles.

Can you help us fill in some details or did you find a refill station we're missing? Contact us and we'll add to the list! Thank you!

4.9 million bottles saved as of the Spring 2024.

Building  Location  # of Bottles Saved Date Reviewed
Adelbert Gym  Back wall of the Main Gym  69,124 9/20/2023
Adelbert Hall Ground Floor, End of side hallway 2,173 10/4/2023
Allen Memorial Lobby 12,242 9/23/2023
Allen Memorial (second floor)  near staircase to third floor 7,574 9/23/2023
Alumni Dorm Rec room area 125,072 9/25/2023
AW Smith 2nd floor lobby by elevator 8,445 9/18/2023
AW Smith 1st floor by offices  2,618 9/18/2023
AW Smith  1st floor lobby by elevator 48,147 9/18/2023
Bingham 1st floor by room 104 Display not on 1/24/2024
Bingham basement by B01 Display not on 1/24/2024
Bingham by Susi lab Display not on 1/24/2024
Bingham Basement, Near Men's Bathroom 1,779 10/4/2023
Bingham Basement, end of hallway 1,029 10/4/2023
Bingham  1st floor hall by large lecture rm 43,723 9/19/2023
Bingham  2nd floor  33,861 9/19/2023
Bingham  3rd floor inst Oct 30th No # on display 9/19/2023
Carlton Commons Tennis Courts  unable to locate 3/3/2024
Carlton Commons By Bathrooms on the first floor  23,623 3/13/2024
CASC  Lobby by women’s restroom  25,873 2/12/2024
Clark Hall ground/first floor Blank screen 11/12/2023
Clarke Floor 1 140,986 3/4/2024
Clarke Basement 360 3/4/2024
Clarke Tower   125,675 10/10/2023
Crawford  Entry  23,011 11/13/2023
Cutler Floor 2 3,776 3/4/2024
Cutler Floor 4 16,540 3/4/2024
Cutler  Rec room area 195,020 3/4/2024
Cutter Floor 1 117,873 3/4/2024
Dental 2nd floor bathrooms  1,011 3/13/2024
Dental 3rd floor elevator  500 3/13/2024
Dental  Ground floor by the Dispensary  124,181 3/13/2024
Dental - bottle filler only  Ground floor near door - 3/13/2024
Dively  first floor lobby 25,990 3/4/2024
Dively  Second floor main lobby meter broken 3/4/2024
Eldred Theater  in lobby 855 9/20/2023
Emerson Gym Main Lobby by Horsburg Gym 42,325 2/13/2024
Emerson Gym Basement weight lifting room 415,721 2/13/2024
Emerson Gym 2nd floor cardio room 11,701 2/13/2024
Fribley Near first floor bathrooms 5,260 9/21/2023
Glaser  Ground Floor 202,552 3/13/2024
Glennan 3rd floor 4,533 9/20/2023
Glennan floor 8   1/29/2024
Gund Law 3rd floor library 25,441 10/9/2023
Gund Law Near 155 (restroom) 105,455 10/9/2023
HEC 1st floor east side by euclid 37,793 1/23/2024
HEC 1st flood west side by euclid 60,545 1/23/2024
HEC 1st floor west side by chester 61,047 1/23/2024
HEC 1st floor east side by chester 22,026 1/23/2024
HEC 2nd floor west side by chester 141,145 1/23/2024
HEC 2nd floor east side by chester 57,583 1/23/2024
HEC 3rd floor east side by euclid 2,279 1/24/2024
HEC 3rd floor west side by euclid 6,058 1/24/2024
HEC 3rd floor west side by chester 7,970 1/24/2024
HEC 3rd floor east side by chester 4,724 1/24/2024
HEC 4th floor east side by euclid 26,165 1/24/2024
HEC 4th floor west side by euclid 26,500 1/24/2024
HEC 4th floor west side by chester 46,079 1/24/2024
HEC 4th floor east side by chester 28,672 1/24/2024
Hitchcock Rec room area Broken meter 3/4/2024
Howe Dorm Rec room area 13,308 2/13/2024
KHS ground floor near room 112 unable to read
(random symbols)
KHS 2nd floor near room 220 water fountain  3/6/2024
KSL Main floor lobby Unreadable 10/5/2023
KSL floor 2 45,585 10/5/2023
KSL floor 3 143,411 10/5/2023
KSL  basement 20,120 10/5/2023
Kusch ground Floor 180,034 3/13/2024
Mather Memorial 2nd floor 10,201 11/16/2023
Mather Memorial  1st floor 67,149 11/16/2023
Michelson Ground Floor 226,409 3/13/2024
MIllis by Schmidt lecture hall 29,288 3/1/2024
MIllis by room 109 12,142 1/29/2024
MIllis ground by stockroom 37,155 1/29/2024
MIllis by G13 3,996 1/29/2024
MIllis floor 5 by 507 Could not find 5th floor 1/29/2024
MIllis floor 4 by 416 13,945 1/29/2024
MIllis floor 3 by 313 15,052 1/29/2024
MIllis floor 3 by 328 2,324 1/29/2024
Millis  Near room 507 14,784 3/1/2024
Millis  ground floor by the North elevator 10,252 9/25/2023
Millis  3rd floor by the North elevator 14,244 9/25/2023
MSASS 1 1 by elevator Weird hieroglyphics  3/3/2024
MSASS 2 2 by elevator More hieroglyphics 3/3/2024
MSASS 3 3 by elevator Hieroglyphics  3/3/2024
Nord  Main floor lobby 131,822 1/24/2024
Norton Floor 3 15,599 2/13/2024
NRV Stadium - bottle filler only Next to Drinking Fountain  No Counter -
Nursing Research 1st floor Hall  37,515 3/13/2024
Nursing Research - bottle filler only  By Cyber Café - 3/13/2024
Olin 3rd floor    9/25/2023
One to One Fitness First Floor 174,991 11/22/2023
One to One Fitness Second Floor 39,903 11/22/2023
PBL Floor 1 West by lockers 6,356 10/10/2023
PBL  Basement by West Elevators  87,524 10/10/2023
PBL - Bottle filler only  Main Entrance  Blank screen 10/10/2023
Pierce Rec room area 5,042 3/4/2024
Raymond   55,087 2/13/2024
Robbins - bottle filler only  Ground Floor by Mailroom 10,337 3/4/2024
Robins (New Med) 7th floor hall (1st one) 1,780 3/5/2024
Robins (New Med) 7th floor hall (2nd one, by 751) 1,534 3/5/2024
Robins (New Med) 6th Floor hall (by restrooms) 12,948 3/5/2024
Rockefeller 3rd floor hall  26,396 1/24/2024
Rockefeller 1 floor corridor - strosacker   1/24/2024
Rockefeller 4th Floor hall 6,270 1/24/2024
Rockefeller  1st floor by vending machines N/A 1/24/2024
Schmidt Lecture hall  Main lobby 28,148 1/24/2024
Sears (quad) 4th floor hallway 19,145 1/29/2024
Sears (quad) 5th floor hallway 5,387 1/29/2024
Sears Tower  2nd floor  12,789 3/5/2024
Sears Tower  3rd floor hall unreadable 3/5/2024
Sears Tower  4th floor hall unreadable 3/5/2024
Sears Tower  5th Floor Hall unreadable 3/5/2024
Sherman Fooor 1 20,172 3/4/2024
Sherman Floor 2 21,934 3/4/2024
Smith Floor 1 57,500 3/4/2024
Smith Floor 2 Meter and whole thing not working 3/4/2024
Smith Floor 3 Meter and whole thing not working 3/4/2024
Squire Farm  Main Building 22,300 2/14/2024
Staley Dorm  ground - entry way  35,796 3/1/2024
STJ    Blank screen 10/10/2023
Storrs Rec room area Meter not working 3/4/2024
Storrs Floor 2 8,364 3/4/2024
Storrs Floor 4 11,882 3/4/2024
Strosacker Balcony 12,073 9/20/2023
Taft Floor 1 64,399 3/4/2024
Taft Floor 2 11,887 3/4/2024
Taft Floor 3 4,211 3/4/2024
Taplin Floor 3 7,724 3/4/2024
Taplin  Main Lobby by Elevator Meter was out 3/4/2024
ThinkBox Second Floor 9,534 12/1/2023
ThinkBox Third Floor 12,116 12/1/2023
ThinkBox Fourth Floor 6,633 12/1/2023
ThinkBox Fifth Floor 16,385 12/1/2023
ThinkBox Sixth Floor 9,815 12/1/2023
ThinkBox Seventh Floor 19,694 12/1/2023
Thwing by rooms 101-120 83,941 10/5/2023
Thwing 1st floor bathrooms, near jolly scholar 83,826 10/3/2023
Tippit Dorm Rec room area unreadable 3/1/2024
Tomlinson Near bathrooms 967 9/20/2023
TVUC 1st Floor ouside of M&M Rest   11/27/2023
TVUC 1st Floor east   11/27/2023
TVUC  2nd Floor west mens room   11/27/2023
TVUC  2nd floor west womens room    11/27/2023
TVUC  2nd floor East   11/27/2023
Tyler Floor 3 5,627 3/4/2024
Tyler Floor 2 13,169 3/4/2024
Tyler Floor 4 6,693 3/4/2024
Veale New Pool B84 by new pool installed 2015 36,683 3/1/2024
Veale Track West Wall 167,757 1/26/2024
Village House 1   water fountain 3/1/2024
Village House 2   water fountain 3/1/2024
Village House 3   water fountain 3/1/2024
Village House 4   water fountain 3/1/2024
Village House 5   water fountain 3/1/2024
Village House 6   water fountain 3/1/2024
Village House 7   water fountain 3/1/2024
Wade Commons near back music practice rooms 34,833 10/10/2023
Wolstein Hall 2nd floor  14,217 3/13/2024
Wood 1st Floor  34,185 3/13/2024
Wyant Field House  Basement Display broken 3/3/2024
Wyant Field House  1st Floor Display broken 3/3/2024
Wyant Field House  2nd Floor 41,655 3/3/2024
Yost First Floor N/A 3/1/24
Yost Third Floor N/A 3/1/24