Online & Web Communications

Introducing yourself—and building your presence—online.

Your web presence—whether a full website or simply a social media page—often is the first (and, sometimes, the only) way your audience will learn about you. That makes it imperative that the message you convey online is clear, concise and effective. Most of all, this presence should represent your individual unit as well as Case Western Reserve University.

University Marketing and Communications is here to ensure your first impression is a good one.

Please note: All newly created websites and online communications vehicles, including email, social media and mobile apps, should conform to the latest version of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. To learn more about digital accessibility, visit


All new university sites are to be created within our central CMS, Drupal, and existing sites are encouraged to move their sites into the system. (Affiliated with a student organization? You can get your own website through CampusGroups, the Division of Student Affairs' collaboration system. Email to get started.)

Sounds daunting? Don’t worry—we can help. We may be able to provide you with assistance with writing, editing and site creation. Then, once you’ve been trained on the system, the site is yours to work on.

Your site will be on the new CWRU templates, which use responsive design to ensure that your message can be read easily on any device your visitor uses: desktop, tablet or mobile. So not only will you be on brand, but you’ll look good, no matter how you’re seen.

To request a new site, visit

For support with your Drupal website, submit a Help Desk ticket at

For questions related to the university's website and URL creation policy, visit our URL policy page.


Want to connect with your audience via email? HTML emails and newsletters often are great ways to do so.

University Marketing and Communications has created a suite of email and newsletter templates for use in various situations, but in order to ensure proper viewing across mobile devices, it's helpful if we assist you. Submit your request to our project request form.

Looking to send a mass email? View our guidelines.

Social Media

Your social presence—whether on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or some yet-to-be-created platform—is crucial. Often, these pages might be a prospective student or professor’s first interaction with our institution, so they need to accurately reflect Case Western Reserve University—but also be a fun place to interact.

Social media is a key communications platform, but it also doubles as an important marketing tool.

Check our social media page for best practices and policies.