Campaign Editorial Guide

Communicating the goals—and successes—of our campaign.

Consistent style and messaging create a unified identity and reinforces to our audience the goals and opportunities inherent in the campaign. Following the same editorial standards helps put writers, editors and other communications professionals in a strong position by providing seamless, high-quality information to audiences.

In addition to these campaign-specific guidelines, all other rules regarding university editorial style still apply.

First Reference

Forward Thinking: The Campaign for Case Western Reserve University

  • Do not use in italics or quotes. Italics should be reserved for references to Case Western Reserve’s development magazine, Forward Thinking.
  • Do not use Forward Thinking on its own as a proper noun in reference to the campaign.
  • Do not use a school name in the name of the campaign (i.e., Forward Thinking: The Campaign for Case Western Reserve University School of Law; Forward Thinking: The Campaign for the Case School of Engineering)

Subsequent References

the campaign

  • Always lowercase, unless beginning a sentence (i.e. "The campaign launched in 2011." "Campaign funds will transform campus.")


Five fundraising goals and giving opportunities are described in the vision for the campaign. The wording of each should remain consistent when articulating campaign priorities. They are:

  1. Goal: Discover answers to pressing questions
    Giving Opportunity: Programmatic support $351 million
  2. Goal: Provide an unparalleled campus environment
    Giving Opportunity: Capital project support $284 million
  3. Goal: Recruit and retain top scholars
    Giving Opportunity: Faculty support $175 million
  4. Goal: Attract and support promising talent
    Giving Opportunity: Student support $113 million
  5. Goal: Enhance alumni and community engagement
    Giving Opportunity: Annual fund $77 million

Capital Projects

No building project may be described in print or web communications until approved by the university’s Board of Trustees. The need for space and the opportunities inherent in new or renovated space may used to allude to early-stage building projects.

As of mid-2015, three board-approved central capital projects were part of the campaign:

  • Tinkham Veale University Center
  • The Milton and Tamar Maltz Performing Arts Center at The Temple – Tifereth Israel
  • Wyant Athletic and Wellness Center

Boilerplate Language

Forward Thinking: The Campaign for Case Western Reserve University launched in October 2011, with a goal of raising $1 billion to bring fully to life the aspirations articulated in the university’s strategic plan. In August 2015, university leadership announced the campaign reached its $1 billion goal 2 ½ years ahead of its December 2016 target end date and so extended the campaign to $1.5 billion. In October 2017, the university announced it surpassed the $1.5 billion goal well in advance of its December 2018 close; though the goal has been surpassed, the campaign continues with a focus on endowed professorships, student scholarships, and building projects such as the Health Education Campus, Mather Quad and an Interdisciplinary Engineering and Science Research building.

Drawing on the gifts and resources of the entire university community, the campaign aims to catalyze the creation of a premier 21st-century urban research university, a place that celebrates bold inquiry and offers inspiring answers.