Kelvin Smith Library has partnered to instruct two, for-credit courses in Spring 2024 taught by KSL Librarians. Both classes will take place in KSL and address misinformation in a digital space. Read more about the two courses below.
HUMN 212
Interrogating Information: Research and Writing for a Digital Public
3 Credits
Instructor: Dr. Erin Smith, Instruction & Outreach Librarian
MW 12:45-2pm in Kelvin Smith Library
Throughout this course, we will examine different communities that generate information and misinformation, from social media giants to other outlets such as Wikipedia and the search engines that lead us there. Assignments will model the research and writing process and will build towards a substantive research paper alongside a multimedia presentation in the style of a TikTok video or a specialized web project focused on a given online community. No prior experience with video or web content is needed.
USSO 294I (Think About The Social World)
Navigating the Information Landscape: Misinformation on Social Media
3 Credits
Instructor: Olivia Hobbs, Research & Engagement Librarian
MW 3:20 - 4:35 in Kelvin Smith Library
By the end of the semester, students will have strategies to verify information and engage in responsible digital citizenship on various social media platforms. They will have the knowledge and critical thinking skills to be more discerning consumers and creators of information.