Henry R. Hatch Reading Room
The Henry R. Hatch Reading Room is a dedicated space for using special collections materials. The room features rotating exhibits of special collections materials and is open for exhibit viewing and quiet study Monday - Friday 10am-4:30pm (except University holidays). No food or drink is permitted in the room. Pencils are the only writing utensils allowed. The room may at times be closed for instruction sessions or other meetings that require the use of the room.
Make an appointment
Reading room appointments are required to use special collections materials to ensure adequate time for retrieval and availability of the reading room. All are welcome to make appointments using Aeon, our online request system. Appointments to use special collections materials are available Monday - Friday 10am-12noon and 1-4:30pm.
Materials requests and appointments: Aeon
Email: kslspecialcollections@case.edu
Phone: (216) 368-0189
Kelvin Smith Library location: Second floor in the Henry R. Hatch Reading Room
Mailing Address: Kelvin Smith Library Special Collections, 11055 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland Ohio 44106-7151
Exhibits in the Henry R. Hatch Reading Room change regularly. Visitors are welcome and encouraged to view exhibits during open hours. Please see the KSL Exhibit Program page to view our digital exhibits and learn more about what you see on display in the reading room and elsewhere within the library.