Early Career Research, Visibility, and Publishing Series

student reading book

Gain insights into the publishing process during library workshops this spring!

The Early Career Research, Visibility, and Publishing Series continues this spring and will offer workshops on various topics to support graduate students, postdocs, and anyone else interested in publishing. 

The series aims to provide insights into navigating the publication process successfully, with guidance and advice from library experts, campus guest speakers, and journal editors. Participants will learn about the best practices for planning research, finding and managing resources, leveraging digital tools for analysis, understanding open science benefits and expectations, and building their scholarly brand. 

The series will consist of the following sessions:

  • Feb. 16: Navigating the Publishing Process: Authorship, Manuscript Submission, and Peer Review
  • Feb. 22: Author Rights & Copyright
  • Mar. 7: Open Scholarship and Open Access: Navigating the Open Landscape
  • Apr. 10: How We Can Help You: Identifying and Using Primary Sources

Register and find more details about specific topics to be covered in each session! 

Save the date for a day-long "Publishing Symposium" on April 5, where speakers from publishers like Springer Nature, Wiley, SAGE, and Purdue University Press will discuss critical issues related to publishing in the academic and scientific world.

For any inquiries or additional information, please contact Daniela Solomon or Shatha Baydoun