Research help from KSL's experts!

librarian assisting two students

Are you working on a research project or paper and need to find information sources? You don’t have to go it alone! KSL has librarians who are trained to work specifically with different schools and colleges on a wide range of research needs, and they’re here to help you find, use, and evaluate all kinds of information to support your projects. 

If you’d like to meet with a librarian who specializes in your area of study, you can schedule an appointment directly with our online booking calendars. We can meet you in person or on Zoom–whatever is best for you! You can also take advantage of our online chat or stop by the Service Desk on the first floor of KSL during the week for help.

Beyond finding and using information, KSL also has librarians and specialists who can help you with other aspects of research. If you’re working with primary sources or need archival information, make an appointment with Special Collections and University Archives. We also have library specialists in the Freedman Center for Digital Scholarship who can help with GIS, copyright, text analysis, data visualization, media digitization, and more.

No matter the scope of your project, KSL librarians are here to help–contact us today and take your research to the next level!