CWRU Authors Save More Than $1.1 Million in Open Access Publication Fees

In 2024, CWRU authors were able to publish 298 articles open access without paying article processing charges (APCs) through OhioLINK’s Open Access Publishing Agreements. These agreements saved authors more than $1.1 million in publication fees without adding additional costs to CWRU Libraries.

Through these OhioLINK agreements, CWRU-affiliated authors are able to publish open access at no cost in select journals from Cambridge, Elsevier, IOP (Institute of Physics), Springer Nature, and Wiley. CWRU Libraries has additionally entered into agreements with Annual Reviews, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, punctum books, and Royal Society of Chemistry. 

The APCs covered by these agreements are per-article publication costs that allow an author to publish their work in a fully open-access journal or in a hybrid journal where open access is available with an additional fee. APCs can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars per article, meaning they are not a feasible choice for many authors. These CWRU Libraries and OhioLINK agreements give CWRU authors more options for ensuring their work is read and cited widely.

 “OhioLINK agreements have proven to be very beneficial for our authors.” said Yolanda Cooper,  Vice Provost and Lindseth Family University Librarian at the Kelvin Smith Library, “They have enabled more authors at CWRU to publish open access, ensuring their research is available to a wider international audience. These efforts demonstrate the CWRU Libraries' dedication to open scholarship and its commitment to supporting authors throughout the research lifecycle.”

Most CWRU and OhioLINK agreements reset each calendar year, so we encourage early and active use of this program. To see what journals are available and learn more about our agreements, see all CWRU’s OA Agreements or visit OhioLINK’s OA for Authors page. Contact with questions and to get additional support.

In the 2024 calendar year, CWRU saved $1,124,600 in article processing charges that were covered by our OA publisher agreements through OhioLINK. The breakdown is as follows:

Cambridge: $16,245 from 6 articles (14% decrease) 
Elsevier: $262,950 from 76 articles (first year)
IOP: $44,750 from 16 articles (45% increase)
Springer Nature: $411,490 from 101 articles (first year)
Wiley: $389,165 from 99 articles (14% increase)