Juneteenth @ KSL

green, yellow, red colors representing Juneteenth

As we commemorate Juneteenth, join Kelvin Smith Library in reflecting on the ongoing journey towards freedom for all people, equality and knowledge. 

KSL Features Book Pop-Up
On the first floor of KSL, find librarian-selected graphic novels, memoirs, and histories that highlight African-American identity, history, and voices. Explore the selection, and if you see something you like – bring it to the Service Center Desk to borrow and take it home with you! 

Juneteenth Research Guide 
Find videos, primary source databases and recommended reading. The resources provided in this guide are meant to raise awareness and highlight local events celebrating freedom for all people. Explore the guide!

Discover the Legacy on Digital Case!
African American Scholars at Case is a digital initiative that focuses on the presence of African Americans at Case Western Reserve University since its inception. The project seeks to preserve and make widely available information about the contributions of African Americans to the University and to both the local and global communities.