Publishing and Copyright

Scholarly Communication is the complex system through which research and other scholarly writings are created, evaluated, and disseminated to the scholarly community.1 CWRU Libraries provides support in the following areas of scholarly communication. Please contact us for more information or with questions at

Have questions about scholarly publishing or Open Access publishing?

Hear about the new Faculty Open Access (OA) policy?

Need to know more about getting an ORCID iD?

Curious about the publication requirements for U.S. federal funding agencies?

Need help navigating copyright questions or understanding your publication agreement?

We can help!

Understanding Open Access (OA) and Open Scholarship

  • Open Scholarship and Open Access Guide. Learn more about Open Scholarship and Open Access practices and support.
  • Public Access Policies Guide. Find information and resources on U.S. Government Agency requirements to make the results (i.e. scholarly articles, data, software, etc.) of federally funded research publicly available.
  • CWRU Faculty Open Access Policy Guide. This guide provides information on the Faculty Open Access Policy passed March 25, 2024 by the Faculty Senate. Also, see the Faculty Handbook.

Sharing & Promoting Your Scholarship

  • Submit your publications, including journal articles, chapters, books, conference papers, presentations, grey literature, etc., to our open access institutional repository:
  • Host your OA research publication or event on Scholarly Commons. Scholarly Commons @ CWRU hosts campus journals, events, and other publications. If interested contact

Scholarly Publishing Support


1. "Principles and Strategies for the Reform of Scholarly Communication 1", Association of College & Research Libraries, September 1, 2006. 

Frequently Asked Questions

CWRU does not have an open access fund to cover the cost of article processing charges (APCs) for journal articles or book processing charges (BPCs) or to cover the cost of authoring tools.

CWRU does have open access publishing agreements with select publishers that cover the cost of open access APCs for CWRU authors. To learn more about these agreements and which publishers/journals are eligible, visit out CWRU OA Agreements & Funding Guide.

To set up your ORCID profile or link an existing ORCID profile to CWRU, follow these step-by-step directions. To learn more about optimizing your ORCID profile, visit our ORCID Guide or the ORCID Help Center.

No. While public access policies call for immediate sharing of research outputs upon publication, this does not require researchers to publish in OA journals or pay OA APCs to comply. If you do not wish to publish OA, you can still comply with these policies by depositing a version of your article in an agency-designated repository. Learn more.

Note there is no charge for complying with public access policies. Any fees charged by a publisher are for publication in that journal, not compliance with your agency’s policy.

On March 25, 2024, the Faculty Senate approved this policy allowing all CWRU faculty to post their scholarly articles in our open access repository, Scholarly Commons @CWRU. Under the OA Policy, faculty grant the university permission to share the accepted version* of their scholarly articles for non-commercial purposes. While you are not required to deposit in the repository, we recommend depositing your scholarly articles to ensure the widest readership. To learn more, please visit the CWRU Faculty Open Access Policy Guide.

There are multiple ways to make your work OA with support from KSL:

Non-APC Journals/Book Publishers. See Publishing OA at No Cost for a list of journals and books publishers that do not have article processing charges (APCs).