MA in Bioethics and Medical Humanities students have a number of options to customize their program of study including concentrations within the program- Health Policy; Medicine, Society and Culture; or Research Ethics . Each area of concentration has its own requirements and elective choices. Concentrations allow students to take a deep dive into more specific areas within bioethics and medical humanities.

The Medicine, Society, and Culture concentration provides students with a unique, interdisciplinary approach to exploring fundamental questions involving concepts of illness and well-being--and, in turn, how understanding of these terms varies across communities, countries, cultures, professions, and more.

Research Ethics concentration is designed to explore ethical issues in research in depth through course work, direct observation, and working with research regulatory professionals.

The Health Policy concentration prepares students to understand the various mechanisms/ processes that can be utilized to formulate public and social policy, how policy agendas are initiated and transformed by various stakeholders, and the potential role(s) that can be played by bioethics and medical humanities in the formulation and analysis of policy.

For some students a dual degree option can add to your experience! Explore dual degree programs:
- MA/MS in Genetic Counseling
- PhD in Genetics/MA