Granada, Spain Study Abroad in May

Arial view of Spain.

BETH 315F/415F
Bioethics: Comparison in Bioethics, Spanish and American Perspectives on Health, Wellness, Medicine, and Culture


May Abroad 2025*

This course is a Spring 2025 semester registration that travels after the spring semester has ended. 

This course is open to undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students from any discipline.

Approved for Global and Cultural Diversity Credit, College of Arts and Sciences; Approved for Humanities Credit, School of Engineering


Course Description

This 3-credit intensive course will be held in Granada, Spain over a two-week period. Taught by faculty from CWRU and Spanish local faculty, this course offers students a cross-cultural perspective on Bioethics in the United States and Spain. This course uses the medium of film, complemented by readings in Bioethics, film criticism, and medical research, to introduce students to a number of compelling bioethics problems facing physician-scientists today. These may include:

  • When a life begins
  • The nature and limits of informed consent
  • Use of randomization without equipoise 
  • Medical imperialism (or the appearance thereof)
  • The treatment of so-called “orphan” diseases
  • Use of deception in research
  • Financial conflicts of interest caused by the involvement of the pharmaceutical industry in the drug invention process.

Prior to the trip, students will attend lectures at CWRU, which will acquaint them with Bioethics and with the use of film as a medium for stimulating discussion. In Spain, students will attend lectures that will be supplemented by site visits and discussion sessions.


Course Dates

Pre-travel class sessions: TBA

In-country course dates: May 20-30, 2025 (confirmed)

Lodging dates: May 19-June 1, 2025 (confirmed)

No post-travel class sessions


Approximate Cost

Cost for May Abroad 2024 (2025 cost TBA)

  • Program fee is $3400 (including deposit)
  • $250 deposit due with study abroad application
  • Remaining program fee billed to CWRU student bill

Program fees cover lodging, breakfast, course-related transportation, speaker fees, etc. Program fees do not cover flight, tuition, additional meals, passport or VISA fees, and activities or transportation outside of course.

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*Courses are subject to cancellation due to low student enrollment, health and safety concerns, or other extenuating circumstances. The Director of Bioethics Study Abroad will communicate with students regarding any changes.