Getting Registered

Get all the things you need to register to vote and/or request an absentee ballot through TurboVote!

All Case Western Reserve University students have the benefit of being able to utilize TurboVote. TurboVote makes the process of voting easier through a simultaneous online voter registration and ballot request process that takes minutes to complete. This tool helps students manage voter registration deadlines and provide election reminders for all 50 states.

Through TurboVote, CWRU students can:

  • Get materials needed to register to vote
  • Change or update your voter registration information
  • Request an absentee ballot
  • Receive election reminders
  • Sends you a digital copy, as well as a paper copy, if you prefer
  • Opt in to receive forms along with a pre-stamped envelope


Go to CWRU TurboVote

Not sure if you're already registered, or need to update your information?

If you think you may have already registered or want to check on the status of your recent registration

Check your voter registration status here!

Checking will help to ensure that you’re registered to vote and ensure that your current place of residency is also up to date!