
Payroll deductions are wages withheld from your total earnings and are before-tax or after-tax. Some deductions, like charitable contributions, are voluntary for programs or services that you choose to purchase or participate in and others, like taxes, are required by law.

Deductions taken from your paycheck before taxes include:

  • Medical, dental, and vision plan premiums you have elected to purchase 

  • Voluntary contributions to 403(b) and 457 Supplemental Retirement Accounts 

  • Voluntary contributions to Flexible Spending Account(s)  and Health Spending Accounts

  • Fees for campus parking passes purchased 

  • Other deductions 

Deductions taken from your paycheck after taxes include: 

  • Union dues 

  • Charitable donations you choose to make through payroll deductions 

  • Life insurance you choose to purchase 

  • Other deductions (i.e. after-tax retirement and Case charges)

Taxes taken from your paycheck as deductions:

  • Federal 

  • State 

  • Local 

  • Local School Tax

  • Medicare

  • Social Security