Featured Events

Students sitting in a bog auditorium with their graduation caps and gowns on.

Innovative programming and engaging lectures generate the cultural vibrancy that is at the core the University Circle experience. From enlightened beginnings at University Welcome and Fall Convocation to celebrations of great minds at Commencement, the office of University Events manages the large, public ceremonies and events that have campus-wide significance.

The office also consults with event coordinators to identify resources for catering, marketing and facilities, as well as best practices for producing a successful event.

University Welcome and Fall Convocation 

We celebrate the start of the academic year with a single event that welcomes our newest students and their families.  The combined University Welcome and Fall Convocation will feature remarks by members of university leadership, and student leaders, as well as a keynote address by the Elaine G. Hadden Distinguished Visiting Author. 

Inamori Ethics Prize

Presented annually to an individual who has demonstrated exemplary ethical leadership, the Inamori Ethics Prize honors outstanding international ethical leaders whose actions and influence have greatly improved the condition of humankind.

The Inamori Ethics Prize carries with it a monetary award, which is intended to support the recipient’s ongoing work. Each year’s recipient is conferred the prize at Case Western Reserve University, where he or she also delivers a public lecture about his or her work and the challenges that lie ahead.

Think Forum

Case Western Reserve University’s Think Forum speaker series presents celebrated guest lecturers covering a wide range of topical issues. Past speakers have included award-winning playwrights, best-selling authors, celebrated cultural critics, renowned scientists, and other distinguished experts. The Think Forum lecture series is free and open to the public, and typically features two lectures in the fall and two in the spring. The Think Forum lectures continue the legacy of the Town Hall of Cleveland series, which was formed in 1931, making it the nation's longest, consecutively running speaker series. 

Writers Center Stage 

The William N. Skirball Writers Center Stage Series is presented by the Cuyahoga County Public Library Foundation and its academic partner Case Western Reserve University. Funds raised by this series help support Cuyahoga County Public Library, the nation’s top-rated library system for nine consecutive years.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Convocation 

Each year, Case Western Reserve University honors Martin Luther King, Jr. —the holiday, the man and the legacy—with a celebration that includes workshops, films, panel discussions and speakers.

Callahan Distinguished Lecture 

Introduced in 2005 as the Distinguished Lecture Series, this annual event engages the Greater Cleveland community in discourse on important topics of our time. In 2010, the event was named in honor of Francis Joseph Callahan Jr., local business leader, philanthropist and chairman emeritus of Swagelok, a leading fluid system manufacturer headquartered in Solon, Ohio. 


The university-wide Commencement at Case Western Reserve University is a time of celebration in the lives of students, faculty, guests and the entire university community. It reflects the accomplishments of past year and sets a course for new ventures. Held annually in May, undergraduates, graduates and professional-school students all have their degrees officially conferred at this ceremony. 


A spirited student tradition combined with an alumni reunion and parents weekend, Homecoming is designed for anyone and everyone affiliated with the university.

Homecoming offers a wide range of programming, from academic lectures to social gatherings. Whether you are alumni, parents/families, students, friends, faculty or staff, there is something for everyone. Visit our growing campus in thriving University Circle to revive relationships with community members and friends, and relive what made you fall in love with Case Western Reserve University.