Photo Contest

Images of past photo contest category winners

2024 Study Abroad Photo Contest

Do you have amazing photographs of your experience studying abroad? Share them with us to help encourage other Case Western Reserve University students to study abroad and win prizes!

The Study Abroad Photo Contest helps us show Case Western Reserve students what studying abroad looks like to help get them interested in and excited about this opportunity. Please keep this in mind when choosing photos to submit! 

Priority will be given to photos taken in your study abroad program location as opposed to other travel during your experience. 

Prizes will be awarded for the best photo in the following categories:

Overall Winner

All photos that are submitted to the contest will be considered for the overall winner category. This category is meant to showcase what studying abroad at Case Western Reserve really looks like. This photo will be displayed prominently in Tomlinson Hall’s Study Abroad Photo Gallery and in marketing materials. The judges will choose this photo based on quality and content. The prize for winning this category is $100.

2023 Winner: Delphine Clatanoff, IES Abroad Santiago, Spring 2022

CWRU student standing in front of Machu Picchu with her hands in the air
​​​​​​Global Learning

Every study abroad experience is different, whether inside or outside the classroom. Show us how you put the study in study abroad! Submit pictures of you on your host campus, faculty-led course, field site, etc. or doing something educational while abroad. The winner will receive a $75 prize.

2023 Winner: Kaichen Yu, Global Health Design: Uganda, Spring Break 2023

CWRU student on Global Health Design Uganda, a CWRU faculty-led program
Living Locally

Experiencing the culture of your host country is a key aspect of studying abroad. However, there's nothing better than making it your second home. Submit pictures of how you lived like a local by enjoying traditional cuisine, living with your host family, engaging with your community, etc. The winner will receive a $50 prize. 

2023 Winner: Delphine Clatanoff, IES Abroad Santiago, Spring 2022

CWRU student standing in front of Maccu Picchu, Peru with arms raised
Spartans Abroad

Show your Spartan sprirt around the world! Submit pictures featuring our students and/or faculty wearing CWRU gear in an international setting. The winner will receive a $75 prize.

2023 Winner: Winston Kam, IES Abroad Rome, Fall 2022

CWRU student in Verona, Italy holding vintage CWRU t-shirt after racing a marathon
Perfect Postcard

Studying abroad exposes you to all the beauty the world has to offer! We want to see those perfect moments you've captured during your time abroad. Submit pictures of breathtaking landscapes, soaring buildings, impressive bridges, or any picture that made you step back and say "this is the one". Photos must clearly be an international location. The winner will receive a $50 prize. 

2023 Winner: Ava Ng, University of Auckland, Spring 2023

Hobbit House from Lord of the Rings in New Zealand
Faculty Favorite

New for 2024! Faculty-led programs offer students the chance to take Case Western Reserve courses with their peers abroad, and we love to see these classes in action! Faculty may submit photos of their course abroad that captures how CWRU students become global citizens. The winner will receive a $50 prize.

Check out an example below of CWRU faculty and students on the Environmental Social Work/Social Justice: Ecuador winter break faculty-led program!

CWRU students on a study abroad program in the Ecuadorian Amazon rain forest

To take part in this contest you must be a Case Western Reserve student or graduate who participated in a short-term, long-term, or summer study abroad program.

International internship, research, and Case Western Reserve service-learning experience participants are allowed to compete as long as the programs they participated in were Case Western Reserve registered and approved.

Note that this competition does not include vacation travel unless it was part of a study abroad experience, i.e. a weekend trip while on a study abroad is eligible; a spring break trip with friends is not.

Click the link below for the category you would like to enter:

Submissions are due April 1, 2024!

  • No photos that have been previously submitted to the photo contest will be considered.
  • Photos must be original work and have been taken by or featuring the person who submits them while studying abroad on a Case Western Reserve program. 
  • Correctly submitted photos will be considered for prizes and the winners will be displayed on campus.
  • Judges comprised of Case Western Reserve staff will choose photos that encourage others to study abroad.

All submitted photos become the property of Case Western Reserve University and may be used in all Case Western Reserve promotional materials. Photos will not be returned. By submitting a photo, you, in turn, grant these privileges. Case Western Reserve may duplicate, distribute, alter and/or publish, including on social media, any of the submitted photos. CWRU staff will rename photo contest submissions "LastName, FirstName - Program/UniversityName TermYear - City, Country"

Questions? Email for answers!