Application and Preparation Process

Once you’ve found the program that suits you, it’s time to take the next steps toward your experience abroad. The general steps of the process are outlined below, but if you have any questions, stop in and see us in Tomlinson Hall, Room 143.

Short-Term/Faculty-Led Study Abroad

  1. Apply to study abroad through Case Western Reserve University by selecting “Apply Now” on the program page. Deadlines line up with the CWRU academic calendar and are:
    • May Term and Summer I and II - drop/add date for summer registration
    • Winter Break - drop/add date for fall semester
    • Spring Break and Spring (May Abroad) - drop/add date for spring semester
  2. Meet with the faculty director to better understand the course, finances, and expectations
  3. Submit a non-refundable deposit with your application
  4. Register for the corresponding course in SIS during course registration
  5. Attend pre-departure meetings (usually one to three) with faculty and other students to go over:
    • In-country accommodations, meals and orientation
    • The date and place to arrive by (if not traveling as a group)
    • Visa information and timeline for completion (if relevant)
    • Course registration, grading, expectations and more
  6. Complete the Pre-Departure Health, Safety, and Risk Management Education: WorldKind online courses to maintain eligibility to study abroad (approx 2 hours of work)
  7. Watch for emails from the Office of Education Abroad after you return for opportunities to keep your experiences alive.

Long-Term Study Abroad (Semester/Year/ Summer Abroad)

Check out our Study Abroad Process Chart for an overview of the long-term study abroad timeline and details for each step.

  1. Apply to study abroad through Case Western Reserve by selecting “Apply Now” on the program page. Deadlines are:
    • Spring or Calendar Year - September 15 (some are September 1)
    • Fall or Academic Year - March 1 (some are Feb. 1)
    • Summer - March 15 (some are as early as January)
    • Note that in special circumstances, students may petition to be eligible to apply past the deadline. The very last date for late petition submission is one month after the program's deadline.
  2. You must complete the application and meet with a Study Abroad Advisor before the Case Western Reserve study abroad application deadline.
    • The Office of Education Abroad (OEA) will ascertain that you are not on probation nor have any outstanding sanctions before approving you to study abroad. If you are on academic probation, this must be cleared prior to studying abroad.
    • Pay the non-refundable deposit
  3. After you receive your acceptance email from the OEA, you will then need to apply to the specific program overseas. Please note, due to limited space on some programs, approval is not guaranteed.
    • Watch your inbox for an email from the OEA for details on next steps
    • You must meet the deadline and minimum requirements for the study abroad program to be approved. This is usually, but not always, one month after Case Western Reserve's deadline in Step 1 above and a 3.0 cumulative GPA
    • Most programs will require transcripts (which can be downloaded from SIS or ordered through the University Registrar's website), a personal statement, a recommendation letter and a passport copy with an application
  4. Complete the Course Approval Form.
    • By working with faculty, you’ll get transfer credit approval for each course you are interested in taking while abroad—ensuring credit and timely graduation
    • Courses can transfer back for credit as major, minor, breadth, elective, or even course substitutions
    • Sign the study abroad policies for course transfer (listed on the back page of the form)
  5. Once you are accepted by your study abroad program (generally one to two months after the application is due), you will begin to receive information from the program on the following. Please note, acceptance by a host institution is not guaranteed. Do not purchase airfare until you have been officially accepted by the host institution.
    • Accommodation and housing options, and application instructions and deadlines for each
    • The date by which to arrive for move-in and any in-country health, safety and cultural orientation requirements
    • Visa instructions and timeline for completion (if relevant)
    • Course registration and more
  6. Complete the Pre-Departure Health, Safety, and Risk Management Education: WorldKind online courses to maintain eligibility to study abroad (approx 4 hours of work)
  7. Watch for emails from the Office of Education Abroad after you return for opportunities to keep your experiences alive.