About Us: Digital Scholarship Team

The Digital Scholarship team is CWRU's partner in expanding models of traditional scholarship with emerging technologies. We can help in all areas of the research lifecycle, from initial project consultations to storing data and promoting scholarship. Learn more about our team and mission below.

Meet the Team

The Digital Scholarship team welcomes questions and input from CWRU students, staff, and faculty. To get in contact with a team member, email freedmancenter@case.edu

Headshot of David Beales

David Beales has a background in supporting interdisciplinary research R and Python. I run the Digital Scholarship workshop series. Talk to me about:

  • Open source software
  • Python
  • R
  • Finding and cleaning data
  • Census data
  • Data visualization

Jared Bendis in the library atrium
Corina Chang

Jared Bendis. Talk to me about:

  • Digitizing all forms of media
  • Game Design
  • AR and VR

Headshot of Karen Caputo

Karen Caputo. Talk to me about: 

  • Scholarly publishing
  • Open access
  • Copyright
  • CWRU publishing agreements
  • Scholarly Commons repository
  • ORCIDs
  • Funder publication requirements

Ben Gorham in the library atrium
Corina Chang

R. Benjamin Gorham has a background in archaeology, classics, and digital mapping and modeling. I am also co-directing the Freedman Fellows program. Talk to me about: 

  • Geographic Information System (GIS)
  • Network Analysis
  • Photogrammetry
  • Text Analysis
  • Research Data Management
  • Open Science Framework
  • Freedman Fellowship for faculty and students

Kate Ozment has a background in English literature, book history, and women's and gender studies. Talk to me about:

  • Digital project management
  • Digital humanities
  • Bibliographic metadata
  • Information architecture in MySQL
Mission and Values


We drive cutting-edge scholarship by developing creative solutions, building community, and promoting equitable access to research and knowledge.

Our Team Values

  • providing an inclusive, equitable, diverse, and anti-racist culture that enables all people to feel heard, empowered, valued and welcomed.
  • understanding for the diverse ways that people create information, access it, and disseminate it across a variety of communities.
  • supporting an ethical approach to research that balances advancing human knowledge with rights to privacy.
  • encouraging scientific and humanistic inquiry and using digital scholarship to explore problems and investigate solutions.
  • contextualizing content especially when addressing sensitive research that may impact people’s lives.
  • offering equitable recognition for contributions, labor, and participation regardless of standing. collaborating across all disciplines.
  • enriching remote learning opportunities that are accessible to anyone, from anywhere, at any time.
  • pursuing lifelong learning, self-education and pushing technical boundaries and exploring interdisciplinary concepts.
  • exploring the transformative impact of new media on research and digital literacy using technology to strengthen the clarity of information.
  • educating the community about Open Access as a human and civil right.
  • understanding that our scholarly work may impact our local communities in Cleveland and Northeast Ohio and our global communities, academic and nonacademic.
Citing the Team

We ask for attribution in conference presentations and publications or other scholarly artifacts including digital project pages and datasets resulting in part from our collaborative work. Please correctly spell team members’ names. If in doubt, reach out to the team member and ask how they would prefer to be referred to.

General Citation

[Action or work that was collaborated on] was completed with contributions from [Team Member(s)] in the Digital Scholarship team at Kelvin Smith Library, Case Western Reserve University.

Freedman Faculty Fellows

Research was completed with support from the Samuel B. and Marian K. Freedman Endowment in the Kelvin Smith Library, Case Western Reserve University. [Team Member(s)] contributed to [action or work they assisted with].

Freedman Student Fellows

Research was completed with support from the Walter Freedman and Karen Harrison Endowment in the Kelvin Smith Library, Case Western Reserve University. [Team Member(s)] contributed to [action or work they assisted with].