2019 Poster Prizes

There were 51 excellent posters at the 2019 CBHI Retreat.  The scientists recognized below were the best presenters of the best posters - literally the best of the best - on that day. The recipients of the CBHI Poster Prizes are listed below. Check out their linked abstracts. Well done all!

Thanks to all of our poster judges, representing all of our member institutions: Heather Broihier, Matthias Buck, Evan Deneris, Anastasia Dimitropoulos, David Friel, John Gunstad, Tariq Haqqi, Joel Hughes, Yong Lu, Helen Miranda, Richard Paylor, Fayez Safadi, Martha Sajatovic, Dawn Taylor, Peter Whitehouse, Xiongwei Zhu, and our lead judge, Richard Zigmond. We could not have had a poster session without you!

First Prize

Kevin Budge

Kevin Budge - NEOMED

Transgenic Overexpression of GPNMB Protects Against MPTP-Induced Neurodegeneration




Second Prize

Rachel Corrigan

Rachel Corrigan - Kent State University

Evaluation of CNS blockade of AMYR on pramlintide function in Alzheimer’s disease




Third Prize

Julie Zhou

Julie Zhou - Case Western Reserve University

Microbiota-associated cytokines robustly enhance the ability of FoxP3+ Tregs to suppress EAE




Fourth Place - Three-Way Tie

Kirsten Evonuk

Kirsten Evonuk - Cleveland Clinic

Selective deletion of AMPA receptors on oligodendrocytes prevents demyelination and axonal injury in autoimmune demyelination

Geneva LaForce

Geneva LaForce - Case Western Reserve University

Pathogenic CLP1 p.R140H mutation alters mRNA processing in human motor neurons

Jordan Murray

Jordan Murray - Cleveland Clinic

Response to Patching in Amblyopic Patients with and without Fusion Maldevelopment Nystagmus